Right out my window…(Anicka Galipeau)

Good afternoon everyone!

In case you all haven’t noticed, the leaves on the trees
have started to turn bright orange, red and green in these last few weeks.
Growing up in Vermont my whole life, I tend to associate the foliage with home,
as it reminds me of the beautiful state I am lucky enough to live in. Looking
out my window, I can see a vast plain of color created by the recently changed
leaves. I find it funny that most people seem to overlook the beauty surrounding
us. I have noticed that many people walk with their heads down, instead of
looking up for once to notice the amazingly bright leaves reaching above their
heads as they walk through the Common. Personally, the foliage is a daily
reminder of home, and I have been able to avoid any homesickness because of
this. Every morning I spend a moment to appreciate the beauty of Boston, and I
have found this to be a refreshing way to start my mornings. Sometimes, I
forget that I’m in a city, to be honest, because the trees here are exactly as
beautiful as the ones back home. They seem to be untouched by the city
pollution and busy streets right below their branches. If you haven’t noticed
the foliage yet, next time you’re walking to class, take a moment, look around
and take in your surroundings. Boston is a city, but if you look a little
closer and observe the little things, you will see that Boston is much more beautiful
than you may think.

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