
So we gotta write about something we recommend to the class, so i picked It’s a local website/blog/party-thrower that is targeted towards college kids. I’ll give you a heads up, it’s not for everyone. Basically the site is broken into 6 parts. There’s Boston, New York, Phily, Chicago, the U (University) and lastly the Superblog which combines all of them. elprez is in charge, he runs Boston as well. KFC runs New York and is one of the funniest people on the internet. Maurice runs Phily, he’s not funny, same with Neil from Chicago. Kmarko runs BarstoolU he is mostly in charge of throwing parties, F*ckin Foam and Blackouts. Bad news is that not everyone likes them and they’re banned from the city of Boston. Anyway give it a look if you wanna kill some time or see funny stories from around the internet.


-Billy Boyce

P.S. Recommend for guys mostly, just a heads up

One thought on “Barstool”

  1. Take Billy’s warning seriously. This website has been very controversial mostly for a certain kind of humour that can be really offensive.

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