

I am delighted to write recommendations. To ensure that your letter is written in a timely manner and that it is reflective of your skills, hopes, and dreams, please provide me with the following information:

  1. Send a copy of your resume and personal statement (if applicable) (at bottom of this page there is place to update your information)
  2. Deadline. What is the deadline?
  3. Exactly what address do I need to send it to? Please write out EXACTLY what the address is so I may format my letter with the address, even if I am submitting it electronically. Is there a specific person it should be addressed to?
  4. What is the letter for? An internship? Graduate school?
  5. What year(s) did I have you in class? What class(es)?
  6. How long have I known you?
  7. Summary of key/memorable moments that will help me recall what we did together. What was the title of one of your papers? What projects did we work on together? The more information you provide the better.
  8. I will send the letters directly to their institutional destinations.  Letters will be given directly to students only under rare circumstances.

[contact-form 2 “Recommendation Form”]


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