In Print & Film

A look at the books and films published by faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences during 2007-2008:


The Competition
by Paul Ceriello & Jason Carter, 2007
In the film The Competition, two kids represent each side of the blue vs. red divide in the United States. Their school announces a trip to Space Camp as the prize for the most money raised at the town fair. The two students have very different ideas about developing a product to sell at the fair. In the end, does either have what it takes or is the winner somewhere in the middle?


Making Poor Nations Rich:
Entrepreneurship and the Process
of Economic Development

by Benjamin Powell Stanford University Press, 2007
Why do some nations become rich while others remain poor? Through a collection of case studies from Asia and Africa to Latin America and Europe, this volume urges the examination of the critical role entrepreneurs and the institutional environment of private property rights and economic freedom play in economic development. The lesson is clear: economic growth will remain elusive until pro-market reforms begin to promote productive entrepreneurship.


The Professional Paralegal
by Allan Tow McGraw Hill, 2008
The Professional Paralegal presents a comprehensive and pragmatic overview of today’s legal system and the diverse roles of the contemporary paralegal. The innovative use of profiles and experiences of professional paralegals woven throughout the text provide personal and motivating insight while introducing practical tools, substantive issues and the all-important consideration of ethics. This textbook presents information easily accessed by students and offers many opportunities for discussion, research and review.


Another World Instead: The Early Poems of William Stafford, 1937-1947
edited and introduction by Fred Marchant
Graywolf Press, 2008

This selection of a major American poet’s early work tells the twinned story of a committed pacifist during a time of war and a young poet getting started. Many of these 160 poems have never before been published or have been long out of print.

Literature for Composition

edited by Quentin Miller and Julie Nash
Houghton Mifflin, 2008
Connections is an introductory literature textbook that stresses thinking and writing strategies.  The anthology contains works from around the world and from all literary periods.  It is organized thematically to show how literature complicates traditional moral oppositions such as love and lust, honesty and deception, or gluttony and generosity.

Defying the Eye Chart
by Marilyn Jurich Mayapple Press, 2008

This collection of poems attempts to revisualize how we sense ourselves and others and to redirect our awareness and understanding. Apart from this reorientation of perception, the poems as poems are distinctly musical compositions—we “see” through sound and structure; each piece has a breath and “atmosphere” of its own—from how an individual copes with the loss of vision to what Philadelphia “looks like” to the homeless, to the magical transformation of Grafton Street in Dublin when a harpist shares his ecstatic tunes.

edited by Jennifer Barber Suffolk University, 2008
Vol. 13, no. 1 (fall/winter 2007/8) features fiction by David Crouse, Rachel Klein, Dana Kinstler, and Kathryn Gahl; an essay by Junichiro Tanizaki, translated from the Japanese by Ivan Gold and Liz Doles; and poetry by John F. Deane, Todd Hearon, Carol Moldaw, Eric Pankey, and Jessica Greenbaum, among others, as well as a portfolio of photographs by Emily Hiestand entitled “Consider the Oyster.”

edited by Jennifer Barber Suffolk University, 2008
Vol. 13, no. 2 (spring/summer 2008) includes fiction by C. D. Collins, Bill Bukovsan, Joseph Riippi, and Sue Williams; early poems by William Stafford, and new poetry by Laura Kasischke, Ben Berman, Sharon Dolin, Elizabeth Kirschner, and Carrie Etter, and others, along with translations of poems by Montale, Du Fu, Leopardi, and contemporary French poet Emmanuel Merle. The cover and portfolio feature watercolors by Beth Balliro.


After Vienna: Dimensions of
the Relationship between the
European Union and the Latin
America-Caribbean Region

edited by Roberto Dominguez & Joaquin Roy
Thompson Shore, Inc., 2007
The book explores the intricate nature of the special Trans-Atlantic relationship between Latin America and Europe.  Based on the analysis of the summits held periodically between the two regions and the development of the so-called Strategic Partnership, the chapters argue that the new Central America Common Market, CARICOM, the Andean Community and MERCOSUR are facing an internal crisis, which hampers not only their integration processes, but also the dynamic relationship with the European Union.

Branded Conservatives:
How the Brand Brought the
Right from the Fringes to the
Center of American Politics

by Ken Cosgrove Peter Lang, USA, 2007
The book argues that Conservatism has made good use of branding in its move from the fringes to the center of American political life. Conservatives have built a unique brand around their candidates, their movement and their issues that has facilitated their ability to win elections and implement public policies. Branding has been one of the major tools through which Conservatives have built an enduring movement over the last several decades and a tool through which their movement has become very resilient.

Varieties of Capitalism in Spain: Remaking the Spanish Economy
for the New Century

by Sebastian Royo Palgrave, 2008
Is globalization forcing non-Coordinated Market Economies, such as Spain, to converge on an Anglo-American model? How do national institutional differences condition economic policies and performance?  This book seeks to build on the hypotheses generated by the literature on ‘Varieties of Capitalism’ to analyze the challenges of developing and sustaining coordination while adjusting for economic change.

Women and Politics in Iran
by Hamideh Sedgi Cambridge University Press, 2007
Hamideh Sedgi’s Women and Politics in Iran explores the lives of Iranian women, both in the private and public realm, and across the classes, examining identity, sexuality, culture, politics, and economics.   Using the veil as an example, specifically the veiling of Iranian women in the 1900s, the unveiling between 1936-1979, and the re-veiling after the revolution, she explains the historical importance of gender in shaping Iranian politics.


African Americans in the Jazz Age:
A Decade of Struggle and Promise

by Mark Schneider Rowman and Littlefield, 2006
After World War I, African Americans moved north to form vibrant new communities, got good jobs in industry, built new churches, and established a burgeoning commercial and professional class. Writers and musicians flocked to Harlem and produced a body of work known as the Harlem Renaissance, about their experiences in the urban north. African Americans fought for their civil rights – both physically in the streets during the “Red Summer” of 1919, and in the halls of Congress and the courts, with the NAACP leading the way.


Abstraction and the Classical Ideal
by Charles Cramer University of Delaware Press, 2006
This study traces abstraction in art from empirical epistemology to the pursuit of idealism. Abstraction served as the nucleus of debates ranging from the philosophy of mind to the visual appearance of ideal truth and beauty; it was a major focus of philosophical, scientific, and aesthetic discourse. Through a close examination of these debates, this study significantly revises and enlarges our understanding of abstraction and idealization in art.

by Nina Bouraoui, and translated by Marjorie Attignol
Salvodon and Jehanne-Marie Gavarini
University of Nebraska Press, 2007
Tomboy is the story of a girl who was born five years after Algerian independence in 1967 and navigates the cultural, emotional, and linguistic boundaries of identity for a girl living in a world that doesn’t seem to recognize her. With prose modeling the rhythm of the seasons and the sea, Tomboy enters the innermost reality of a life lived on the edge of several cultures.

Zoom in, Zoom out: Crossing Borders in Contemporary European Cinema
edited by Sandra Barriales-Bouche and Marjorie Attignol Salvodon
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007
European films have become a vital cultural space where the relationship between borders and identity is being renegotiated. This collection of nine essays written by film scholars from various countries self-consciously addresses the questions of European identity while overtly crossing geographic, cultural, linguistic, and aesthetic borders.


Digital Drawing for Designers:
A Visual Guide to AutoCAD

by Douglas Seidler Fairchild Books, 2007
We learn best when we can create connections between new knowledge and prior knowledge. Digital Drawing for Designers introduces AutoCAD through the language of manual drafting. Neither simplistic nor exhaustive, this textbook teaches by relating to what architects and interior designers understand best: hand drawing and the visual world.


by Wesley Savick, 2007
Adapted from the writings of James Hillman, Chris Hedges and Lawrence LeShan, Shrapnel explores the nature of war in this original work for the stage. How do we make war “normal”?  Is war an inevitable and fundamental part of the human condition?  Can our impulse for war ever be tamed?  Shrapnel incorporates mythology, stage combat, live music and a sweeping array of personal accounts to explore the contradictory nature of war within all of us.


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