Along your journey, trust yourself, trust your training, and trust that you will reach your destination. It can be difficult to know who or what to trust, i.e. a coach, a trainer, a doctor, a teacher, a boss, etc. Putting yourself in the hands of a higher power (whoever or whatever that may mean to you) can also be freeing.
I sought out and received lots of advice and tips while training for the marathon. Some of it was solicited and some unsolicited. I researched and read everything I could on marathon training. Some information was helpful while others were not. Some were conflicting which led to increased anxiety.
When attending law school you will also receive lots of advice from other students, professors, lawyers, family, and friends. You may obtain outlines and other study aids as well as sample study schedules. You may join a study group. While some of this information may be helpful, you have to determine for yourself what works for you. Try not to get caught up in what other students are doing or say they are doing.
Trust the process and go forward with what works for you. After all, if you can’t trust yourself, who can you trust?
Once you start your journey, trust that you will finish it. Trust that everything will be ok. Trust that you have put in the work and it will pay off.