Be kind along your journey. Be kind to yourself as well as others. Do not be so tough on yourself or others. Treat yourself the way you would a friend. Don’t engage in self-loathing. Remember, you are good enough. Don’t judge yourself or others. Look at situations from all perspectives, not just your own.
When was the last kind thing you did for yourself? What about for others? What would you tell a friend facing a challenge?
Kindness doesn’t cost anything. For example, donating your time or money to a charity or cause can increase your happiness and take you outside your own head or problems. The more you give to others the more you will get back. Get involved in school activities or student groups or clubs while in law school. Volunteer to help out at a future race or stay connected to the charity you ran for in the race.
By realizing your journey is bigger than just yourself and what you got out of it will help you appreciate the struggles along the way and that there are bigger problems than yours. Along the marathon route, when I saw another runner struggling, I tried to offer some words of support. While this small gesture hopefully helped them, it also helped me as I wasn’t focusing on my own pain but on someone else.
In law school, remember your fellow students could someday be your colleagues at a firm, some could become judges that you appear in front of in their court one day, or you may be the opposing attorney on a case or refer a case to them. Being kind to someone in law school can impact your future career. Kindness can be contagious.