Old South Meeting House


This is a picture of the Old South Meeting House on Milk Street. The meeting house played an important role in early American colonial history, as it was the original meeting point for those organizing the Boston Tea Party in December of 1773. This site relates to Benjamin Franklin as he was baptized in the Old South Meeting House, as it was a Church during the 1700s and 1800s, before it became a museum in the late 1800s. Across the street from the Meeting House was where Franklin was born.

38 thoughts on “Old South Meeting House”

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  7. The Old South Meeting House is one of the oldest remaining buildings in Boston, Massachusetts and has a rich history. Built in 1729 as a Puritan meeting house, it was the site of many significant events leading up to the American Revolution. house construction company began with land donated by Colonel Theophilus Cotton, who owned most of what is now known as Downtown Crossing. Local craftsman James Foster was hired to build the frame and structure of the house following typical colonial building standards using local materials such as oak posts and beams, pine sheathing and shingles (for roofing) and bricks for fireplaces. The interior of the house had two levels with galleries on both sides creating a large central hall that could seat up to 3,000 people.

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