Cecile Richards
Thursday, May 1
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Old South Meeting House

“You all know that i have been gagged. I have been suppressed. I have been arrested numerous times. I have been hauled off to jail. yet every time, more people have listened to me, more have protested, more have lifted their own voices.” Thus read Arthur Schlesinger, Sr. in 1929 as Margaret Sanger sat silent beside him on the stage of Ford Hall, banned under court injunction from speaking herself. Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, joins us tonight to reflect on that event; its meaning, its messengers, and the era that gave us the phrase, “Banned in Boston.”

This program is presented in collaboration with the Old South meeting House as part of the partners in Public Dialogue Seriers.