Cokie Roberts, ABC News Chief Congressional Analyst, National Public Radio’s Senior News Analyst, former co-anchor This Week with Sam Donaldson & Cokie Roberts (1996-2002), bestselling author; Nina Totenberg, NPR’s Legal Affairs Correspondent, regular panelist on Inside Washington, frequent contributor to major newspapers and periodicals; and Linda Wertheimer, NPR’s Senior National Correspondent, former host of All Things Considered (1989 to 2001)

Friday, December 1st
6:30 p.m.
Old South Meeting House

From Watergate to the confirmation hearings of Samuel Alito, from the Reagan Revolution to war in Iraq – the highly praised and award-winning coverage of Cokie Roberts, Nina Totenberg and Linda Wertheimer has shed light on the people, institutions, and social forces shaping our nation. In print, on television, and, most notably, over National Public Radio airwaves, their groundbreaking journalism has not only changed the way millions of Americans view their country and their world, but also had a profound impact on the profession of broadcasting. They join us tonight to receive the Ford Hall Forum’s Louis P. and Evelyn Smith First Amendment Award and share their thoughts on their life and work.