Angela Davis, October 5, 1975

“My to priority is a national effort to free people imprisoned because of racist and political oppression, as cochairman of the National Alliance Against Political and Racist Oppression.

“Capitalism is failing as an economic system in the United States because it is designed to help the few rather than the working class.

“Frustrated white people- insecure because of inflation, unemployment, and other problems- make black people and other nonwhite the scapegoats for their troubles. This is the element behind such groups as ROAR (Restore Our Alienated Rights), an antibusing group.

“ Government officials have not been able to resolve key issues facing the nation at any level – federal, state, or local- but people can work together to solve problems.

“ People do not realize that today’s racism in America parallels the anti-Semitism of Hitler’s Germany. I am a communist but I work with people of all facets- Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, socialist- based on the tradition of their nation.”