Count Raoul de Roussy de Sales vs. Dr. Helgo W. Culemann

March 21, 1937

Count Raoul de Roussy de Sales – YES: “That National Socialism challenges the world is evidenced by the pronouncements of Hitler, echoed by Goebbels and others. This movement has its outlet in Fascism and exists in most countries of Europe. Consider the progress of Fascism on the map of the world and compare its with the pitiful progress of Communism. The ideas implicit in this fanatic cult of Germany,  that there is nothing above one’s own race and one’s own state, have infected the world, and people say Fascism, alone, saves private property and capitalism.

“The idea is fashionable now. People are beginning to think that freedom of thought is not essential, especially when given to masses. In Germany that cult demands that you give expression to prejudices rather than try to reason them out. One of the greatest spiritual dangers of National Socialism is the fact that it destroys the education of tolerance which it has taken two or three thousand years to cultivate among us under the name of civilization. The idea that each individual is less important than this vague thing called the ‘Nation’ is perilious.”

Dr. Helog W. Culemann – NO: “National Socialism is an emergency – born philosophy of the state. While it is probably the most maligned political theory of our times, in Germany it has been hailed as a life-saving device. It is maligned by the unfavorable propaganda of those who have been expatriated; because it involves a curtailment of human liberty; because it was born in Germany and not in Ethiopia; and, lastly, because the political leaders of the Allies fear that it may give Germany strength to demand a fairer deal.

“Hitler’s policies have brought a decrease in our unemployed from 7 ½ million to approximately 1 ½ million. This has been done by putting people to work reclaiming moors and bogs, by establishing rural housing, by building the German Army.  The German Army had to be rebuilt because we were surrounded by neighbors armed to the teeth. This has helped business and restored confidence to the German people.

“I feel that in four years of control of German foreign policy he has shown shrewdness and wisdom and a desire for peace and not war. I leave it to Count de Sales to prove to me and to you that Hitler’s internal and foreign policies constitute threats to the peace of the world.”