Rev. William A. Bolger, January 27, 1929
“Anyone conversant with social questions in Boston who passed away 10 years ago would be astounded could they return now and find that birth control has ‘broken into respectability’ and that the New York Federation of Women’s Clubs has endorsed that principle. An ancient vice has become for its devotees a great, modern social virtue. We are doomed socially if we are to accept the results implied in the principles of birth control. Among those results will be rejection of that ancient Christian and rational decency regulating sex and family life, still believed in by followers of the historic Christianity and probably by an overwhelming majority of non-Catholics, Christians, and Jews.
“Marriage is the severest test of character and people must be trained for it. Moses and Christ and His church, social welfare, delicate womanhood, and chivalrous manhood all appeal alike for control of the flesh by the spirit.”