Process Pictures

I got a lot of work done this week! Over the weekend, I had a tiny bit of relaxing time before a busy week: I got to spend some time with friends a log a bit of Netflix time 🙂 I also did a painting for homework for 2D of a sunflower. On Monday and Wednesday, we had our second and final third session with the same model from last Wednesday. I feel like I’m getting back into the rhythm of observing and painting from a live model. I have some photos of my painting from the end of each session to show my progress:

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On Tuesday, our seminar class checked in on the double self portrait project. I’ve done a little preliminary work on my emotional self portrait, which will involve maps, but nothing too serious yet. More to come! In the afternoon, our class went to the Art Institute of Boston to see the show Beyond the Wunderkammer. A Wunderkammer is an old-fashioned sort of curiosity cabinet, the concept of which this show was loosely based on. It was interesting to compare that viewing situation with that of a regular museum or gallery that we usually visit. On Tuesday night, my science class discussed chemical weapons disposal methods in Syria and on Wednesday I took my first math exam of the semester!

Today, I had Contemporary Trends. We critiqued our project for the week: an Ephemeral Memory. It was a tough project, since it was a contradiction of sorts: to portray a memory in a ephemeral (temporary, impermanent) way. I decided to do a semi-public piece in the hallway of the NESAD building; I set up a word in sugar on the carpet in one of the hallways and photographed it before leaving it alone for the day. I took a few photos throughout the day as well, as people accidentally (or perhaps on purpose!) disturbed the fragile text.

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The project for next week has to do with our bodies and embodiment; I’m early in the brainstorming phase right now but I’m considering some type of performance piece..stay tuned! 🙂

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