Turkey Day Aftermath

Hello! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break. I took a week off from posting for the holiday, so I have a lot to catch up on! Last week, my mom flew into Boston on Tuesday from my hometown of Chicago. We spent a couple of days hanging out (and shopping!), then on Thanksgiving day we rented a car and drove to see family in New Hampshire. We ate ourselves into a stupor and spent the night there. Then, on Friday morning, we drove to Vermont, where my cousin has an awesome off-the-grid house on a mountain, complete with beautiful scenery, a garden, and chickens! We drove back to Boston, had some awesome Oaxacan food in East Boston, and I said goodbye to my mom on Saturday morning. The rest of the weekend, I did some apartment organizing and logged a lot of Netflix time.

The school week has been in full force- I’ve been finishing up my study abroad preparations and applying for a student visa, plus my classes are picking up pace as they come to a close. There are less than three weeks left in the semester, so it is definitely crunch time! December 7th is the last day of classes. Portfolio week, this year from December 9-14, is an extra week for NESAD students in which some professors schedule finals and single or group Portfolio reviews. Here is my To-Do list to finish by December 7th!

Do 1 or 2 more homework assignments of your choice (should have 4 or 5 in total)
Separate all drawings from 1st and 2nd halves of semester
Assemble 2nd half of semester drawing portfolio for review

Decide on an image to print for Print Exchange (final project)
Develop a plan and create prints

Aristotle/Plato Homework Assignment
Final Project: 3 parts (biography, analysis, oral presentation)

Ideas of Western Art I:
Define vocabulary terms
Study for the final exam! (Dec. 4th)

Finish self portrait painting
Assemble entire semester portfolio

It feels like I won’t have enough time to do all of this, but all of the tasks seem much more manageable to me if I can see them all written down. An added stressor, however, is my computer situation. You may have noticed a lack of photos from this week’s post: I’m sad to report that my MacBook Pro-which I’ve had for a little over a year- has crashed and is in the Apple hospital. There’s a chance I’ll lose all of my files, because it seems to be a hard drive issue and I never backed up my computer. If you don’t already, please take my advice: if you care about your files, back up your computer, especially if you have a lot of irreplaceable things. I have (or had) over 3,000 photos, and I am learning that lesson the hard way. Hopefully I can resolve the issue though, wish me luck!

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