Tag Archives: fte

Solar Cell Activity



Last week in class we were assigned a solar activity lab. For the experiment we used a solar cell, voltage probe, a flashlight and some different colored filters. After we hooked everything up to solar view we were ready to go.  Our main objective was to measure the relationship between light intensity and voltage. There were two parts of the experiment. First we measured the voltage and lighting without any filter. The second part of the experiment we did use filters to measure the relationship. This of course gave us a difference in the voltage generated. After we got the data we used excel to calculate the average and also to draw us the graph. The results were as follows, the more the distance between the light and solar panel increased, the more the voltage decreased.


The next part is when we used the color filters. The relationship was quite different because there was no barrier in between that prevented the light waves from coming through. We used a red,green and blue filter. Red was the darkest and let the least amount of light through. Our green one was the lightest color therefore produced the most voltage out of the three. 




Over it was a great exercise to experience the affects of light and voltage first hand. This is something that is very useful in the solar energy field. Which will be continuing to develop further in the future.