Internships at Japan Consulate in Boston

Study Abroad: Asia
Five Asian Studies graduates at their assessments
Introduction to Chinese Literature and Culture (Fall 2014)
Fall 2014 Course Offerings
Richard M. Rosenberg Asian Studies Scholarship
Richard M. Rosenberg Asian Studies Scholarship
We are delighted to announce the establishment of the Richard M. Rosenberg Asian Studies Scholarship. With a generous donation from Mr. Rosenberg, the Scholarship offers assistance to Suffolk students in their study abroad in Asia.
To be eligible for consideration, applicants should be a fulltime Suffolk student, with a GPA of 3.0 or above, having declared a major or minor in Asian Studies.
For 2014, the application deadline is February 28. Students who are planning to study abroad in Asia before the end of 2014 are encouraged to apply. Please submit a resume and a short essay of about 500 words, stating your academic interest and plan of study abroad. The application material should be submitted to Dr. Ronald Suleski, Rosenberg Institute for East Asian Studies, 41 Temple Street, Boston, MA 02114. Materials may be sent by email to:
Rosenberg Institute and Asian Studies Program
Asian Studies graduate Hangzhou adventure!
Monique Costello graduated with a double major in History and Asian Studies. She has been teaching at a high school in Hangzhou that has a very impressive front gate and a pretty campus. Her brief report is here:
I have been working at Tianmu High School for 5 months now – I can’t believe how the time has flown by. I teach over 800 students, most of whom could care less about English but want to know all about the typical lives of Americans. Because I am in a sub-city of Hangzhou (although the sub-city itself has a higher population than Boston), I am the only American girl within an hour of where I live. I am treated like a celebrity everywhere from the hallways of my school, to restaurants, to taxi rides. People are constantly staring. It was disconcerting at first, but I’ve learned to accept it.
I have seen so many beautiful places and tried so many new things since I arrived; this is an experience I would not give up for anything. The people here have been incredibly friendly and I have made some great friends. Spring Festival is upon us and I am meeting my mother in Beijing tomorrow before heading to Chiang Mai, Thailand. I have many more adventures planned for the next five months; I can’t wait to explore even more.
More on Suffolk frontpage.
Pat Moriarty – a fan of Japanese music!
Pat Moriarty is a double major in History and Asian Studies. He spent last year at Sophia University in Tokyo and made good progress in the Japanese language. Now back at Suffolk, he has an internship with the on-line magazine JaME which specializes in Japanese contemporary music of all genres. Pat works maintaining the web-site, and also contributes to the magazine.
Follow the link below to see a copy of his recent review of the Japanese metal band Dir en grey from Osaka.
Spring class: Traditional Chinese Society 1800-1949
In Spring 2014 Suffolk will offer the course Traditional Chinese Society From 1800 to 1949. The course will be taught by Janet Scott, who has lived for many years in Hong Kong.
The course will examine Chinese folk, religious and social customs. Many exciting examples of hand-made artifacts, ghostly spirit money, unexpected children’s toys, and first-hand stories of all kinds will be brought into the class discussion.