Call for Submissions

The Gallery Committee is seeking a broad range of artwork to be sold or leased to Suffolk University, that represents all aspects of NESAD & Suffolk University’s diverse community. Work will be selected for display in the Law School and Tremont Street buildings.

Note: Artworks with religious overtones, nudity or profanity should be avoided because they will be exhibited in public spaces.

Deadline: Tuesday, January 21, 2014

  • Please send jpg images to &
  • Images should be at least 1200 pixels in one dimension. Files should be under 10 mb.
  • IMPORTANT: File name format = lastname_dimensions_title.jpg – for example, Fuchel_24x36_Untitled.jpg
  • Maximum submission: 7 pieces

Include the following:

  • Your Name
  • Contact Information (phone and email)
  • Short description – i.e. title, media, dimensions, date
  • Indicate any special handling instructions or requirements

Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity.