Discussing, Deciding experiment (11/15)

Today, along four other friends (Tsuyoshi Henry Nakajima, Rebecca Merson, Patrick Macellus, and David Misiaczuk), we had some work done. To concise, we divide today’s work into three sessions. Each of our session had about twenty five minute.

The first session was discussing.  As we already wrote an outline about how to make a Pointpoint on climate changes, I used the last two days to finish this Powerpoint job. I was quite proud of myself. When sharing to my friends, they all liked my work and I was glad. They told me to add and delete some details and I did so.

The second session was mainly about deciding experiment. As Dr. Shatz came over to our group, she had a quick look on our Powerpoint. She loved the pictures and the order of the slides. In terms of the experiment, she gave us some ideas by using thermometers and tested the temperature, which could probably include something relate to electricity.

The third, or last, session was not relating our project at all, to be honest. We just chilled and talked some other topics. I did not pay any attention at all except when they were talking about muscles of Arnold Schwarzenegger, my idol. When I was taking a break, Rebecca commented something on the discussion of the four questions of cleerhub. I was happy of her attitude.

When the class was over, we were free to go. As all the people almost left, I asked Dr. Shatz if we were going to have a final. Guess what? There was not going to have one. I smiled because I would have more time to prepare other exams especially Computer Science.

Today, did we have our job done? I would say 75% was working while 25% was relaxing. Well, it was great to get some work done; otherwise we would leave something at the last minute.

(*)These information can be seen in my Suffolk blogs.

), we had some work done. To concise, we divide today’s work into three sessions. Each of our session had about twenty five minute.

The first session was discussing.  As we already wrote an outline about how to make a Pointpoint on climate changes, I used the last two days to finish this Powerpoint job. I was quite proud of myself. When sharing to my friends, they all liked my work and I was glad. They told me to add and delete some details and I did so.

The second session was mainly about deciding experiment. As Dr. Shatz came over to our group, she had a quick look on our Powerpoint. She loved the pictures and the order of the slides. In terms of the experiment, she gave us some ideas by using thermometers and tested the temperature, which could probably include something relate to electricity.

The third, or last, session was not relating our project at all, to be honest. We just chilled and talked some other topics. I did not pay any attention at all except when they were talking about muscles of Arnold Schwarzenegger, my idol. When I was taking a break, Rebecca commented something on the discussion of the four questions of cleerhub. I was happy of her attitude.

When the class was over, we were free to go. As all the people almost left, I asked Dr. Shatz if we were going to have a final. Guess what? There was not going to have one. I smiled because I would have more time to prepare other exams especially Computer Science.

Today, did we have our job done? I would say 75% was working while 25% was relaxing. Well, it was great to get some work done; otherwise we would leave something at the last minute.

(*) These information can be seen in cleerhub.com by Team 3 members and Professors

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