
Welcome to Symbiosis 2009!

“Boston and the New Atlantic World”
The 7th Biennial Symbiosis Conference

June 25-27, 2009
Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts

Conference organizers:
Leslie Eckel (Suffolk University)
Joel Pace (University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire)

Plenary speakers:
Richard Brantley (University of Florida)
Anna Brickhouse (University of Virginia)
Mark Peterson (University of California, Berkeley)

Conference registration:
For details, please see the “Accommodations” and “Registration” sections above.

For more information about Symbiosis, a journal of Anglo-American literary relations and transatlantic studies, please visit http://www.symbiosisonline.org.uk/

The Symbiosis editors plan to feature selected papers from “Boston and the New Atlantic World” in a special conference double issue of the journal to be released in late 2009-early 2010.

A prize for the most outstanding paper given by a graduate student at the conference (as judged by members of the Symbiosis editorial board) will be awarded.

One thought on “Welcome!

  1. R. Victoria Arana

    I have just learned of the conference you are holding next month at Suffolk University. It is no doubt too late to participate except as audience. I wonder if the issue that will be featuring selected essays from the conference proceedings will have essays received outside of that ambit. Please do let me know. I plan to attend the conference.

    R. Victoria Arana


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