by Rosalie Pothier

We can all agree that chocolate covered strawberries are the height of luxury. There is literally nothing
better than a chocolate covered strawberry – except maybe a white chocolate covered strawberry (let
us know in the comments if you stan white chocolate or you’d rather never eat chocolate again than eat
white chocolate!).

While these yummy treats are delicious, there’s a certain degree of effort put into perfect chocolate
covered strawberries that as students, we just don’t always have time for. Because of this, I bring you:
deconstructed chocolate covered strawberries! I first made this back when I was studying at the Madrid
campus during my sophomore year. I found myself wanting something sweet, yet refreshing, quick, but
delicious. I’ve made this recipe several times since coming back to MA and have never once regretted it.

All you really need are two ingredients: chocolate and strawberries. Super simple, right? This can be
made right in your microwave, or you could use a double boiler, though let’s be real, you’re just going to
use your microwave because this recipe is all about convenience. Melt a square of chocolate, or
however many squares you’d like – treat yourself! – in a microwave safe bowl or mug. If you want to get
fancy you could melt your chocolate with just a tiny bit of coconut oil to make the chocolate a bit
thinner, but this is really just done by preference. Be very careful not to burn your chocolate! You will
have so many regrets if you burn your chocolate! Your dorm room or apartment will smell awful! Your
heart will break over the wasted chocolate! Don’t do it! Microwave the chocolate in fifteen second
intervals, stirring in-between. If your chocolate is mostly melted but you have a few chunks, just
continue stirring so that the residual heat from the melted chocolate can melt the un-melted chunks
without going back into the microwave.

While your chocolate is melting, or before, rinse off desired amount of fresh strawberries. Slice off the
green leafy parts or any mushy parts. How you cut your strawberries is entirely up to you. You can cut
them into thin slices accordion style, slice into quarters, or cube into mini chunks. You could also leave
them whole (still cut off the tops!), but bite sized is better in my experience.

Now, take your sliced strawberries and add them to your melted chocolate. Mix the strawberries in the
chocolate until your strawberries are evenly coated. Voila you’re done! This is super yummy on its own,
or you can get extra fancy and add in some mix-ins. My suggestions include: chopped pretzel pieces,
coconut flakes, finely chopped nuts, blueberries, raspberries, crushed Oreos, granola, or any other mix-
in you can think of. Top with whipped cream or dairy free whipped cream to really step up the luxury.

This works with other fruits too if you aren’t a fan of strawberries. If I’m melting chocolate for a recipe,
I’ll usually add fruit to the leftover chocolate as a healthier dessert/ snack that ensures I’m not wasting
any food.

What are you waiting for? Go try this recipe!