SGA Passes Constitutional Amendment, Responds to October 15th Meeting

SGA Passes Constitutional Amendment, Responds to October 15th Meeting

By Jackson Chadwick On Thursday, October 22nd, the Student Government Association unanimously passed a constitutional amendment sponsored by Senators Marissa Kearney and Stephen Rykola. The amendment, titled the “Constitutional Amendment Pertaining to Pre-Releasing...
SGA Passes Constitutional Amendment, Responds to October 15th Meeting

Jenna Zampitella on SGA Resignation

By Jenna Zampitella | Photo courtesy of SGA The following letter was written by former SGA Senator Jenna Zampitella and sent to President Karine Kanj and fellow members of the SGA on Sunday evening of October 18th. The photo is courtesy of Zampitella.
SGA Passes Election Day Holiday Resolution

SGA Passes Election Day Holiday Resolution

By Jackson Chadwick President Karine Kanj gaveled in the Student Government Association (SGA) Thursday afternoon, which, within just a short few minutes, passed a resolution recommending to the Suffolk administration that the upcoming general election day, and...