Immunization Crisis

What are Vaccines and how are they effective? Vaccines primarily consist of weakened germs of the same type of disease, which are then injected into the body in the hope that it will stimulate the organism to produce protein antibodies to protect it against disease. Vaccines are important to help keep children healthy and more importantly alive. They were created to help the population protect themselves from deadly diseases. They have become very effective over the years in eliminating serious diseases like whooping cough and the measles. There is now a growing pressure to make vaccinations mandatory for children. In the past there wasn’t really a need to make them mandatory in the past because people believed they were beneficial and harmless. Many people have a fear that some immunizations cause problems such as autism and other possible defects in development of young children. Although the link between vaccines and autism was never proven many people got nervous and stopped getting important vaccinations for their children. Almost one third of deaths among children under 5 are preventable by vaccine. Now more then ever before we have the technology to save lives but we need to take advantage of the vaccines available to us. If people stop getting their children vaccinated they risk starting an outbreak of easily preventable diseases.

One thought on “Immunization Crisis

  1. bnreadel

    It is interesting to think that some people are against vaccines. I understand where they are coming from, but I also think it is a little selfish not to vaccinate your child. The child cannot think for itself, and I also don’t think some parents realize how deadly some vaccine-preventable diseases are. The link to autism and other disorders through vaccines has not been established, so I feel it would be best to vaccinate children. Though, that is my own personal opinion! Well written blog. (:


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