After watching the movie, “Pandora Promise” has clarified and pointed out the irony and controversy of nuclear power plants production. From the movie, a number of scientists who before were against nuclear power plants became pro nuclear after did their own research and learn better about the background of nuclear. We all know of different tragedies like the bombing of Hiroshima in world war II, the shenobyl incident , and recently the fukoshima incident has caused the large population to feel unsafe and skeptical about nuclear in general. However from this movie and the biography of nuclear and the wrong propaganda used to stop its production should be able to help the population to have a better understanding of the small danger and big profit we could extract from uranium and nuclear fission. The movie covered multiple aspects that I found useful in helping us move forward and understand if we really want to go clean in energy, nuclear might be the possible and only successful clean energy source that creates enough electricity to power 80% of the world and all the other source of energies can only provide a fairly 5% TO 20% maybe.
From the movie, one of the reason that people are likely afraid of nuclear is because of its use in world war II and the damage it left behind until this day. It was the new technology and many powerful countries wanted to have something like that at their disposal for war purposes. So a lot of countries were doing a variety of tests of nuclear weapons in the 20th century that scared a lot of people and believe that the world would come to an end. People never had a background understanding of this new energy and the first experience and test related to it destroyed two big cities and left those places inhabitable for decades.
The second reason that forces people into believing that nuclear was wrong and revolted against it was back after World War II, a few scientists acknowledge and discovered that uranium could be used to create and provide electricity. So big Oil Company weren’t really thrilled about this discovery because of the damage in profit they would suffer, they create propaganda to boost the public in revolting against it. They inserted into the public’s mind that people would be exposed to radiation that could lead to genetic mutation and a variety of cancer. The process of nuclear power plants also create nuclear waste and these waste needs to be contained in tanks in deserted places, so they would use this as if these waste were expose to our environment would bring us great harms. So those propagandas were pushing people to revolt against nuclear energy and benefit the oil company making money.
Third is every non-scientist individual and also anti-nuclear scientist are worried about nuclear radiation. A large amount of the population doesn’t know that radiation is all around us and is also in nature. We have consumed and as well as being exposed to radiation everyday of our lives from the sun and different other elements in nature. However, whenever people use radiation and nuclear, everyone is afraid that something is extremely wrong. This movie allowed me and anyone who sees it to understand that people doesn’t know much about radiation and how it is measured, so their lack of knowledge about it scared them into knowing whether it is good or bad. I do understand that shenobyl was a tragedy that scared a lot of people, but based on untied nation about 50 people died of the cause compared to the false accusations that 1 million of people died. A lot of people are currently back in their home and have not died of radiation or contamination related to the tragedy.
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