MIT Nuclear Reactor Lab


After I have read form the MIT website, I have learned about their facility and sole nuclear power plant located in the center of the city of Boston.  MIT first of all is one of two schools in the US contain the largest research programs at their disposal. And that nuclear reactor that they have has being use for multiple researches. A few of those researches are life changing and useful to our community such as, radiation effects in biology and medicine, neutron physics, geochemistry, and environmental studies. They have being working on those projects for decades.

So the nuclear reactor that they have at their disposal is unlike those other nuclear power plants used to produce electricity.  This one is quite safer, because it doesn’t require as much power for its usage. This helps the workers, as well as the city not to worry about it being unstable. The facility have also create a pressure door, before you enter the place the nuclear reactor is located leaking air inside, so if something would have gone wrong, everything would be sealed inside and not leaking into the outside to infect anyone.

In order to work and do all the amazing things, the nuclear reactor is composed into various useful parts that make it functional. A few of these parts such as the in-core that is used to force circulation either under pressurized or boiling condition, the beam ports that are used to transport any materials or experiment into the reactor where human would be expose to high radiation activity, and a control room that is used to make sure everything is working normally or to evacuate the facility if anything was out of the ordinary.  

The best and most important part about of my learning form this website is the research they have accomplished over the years, such as, boron neutron capture therapy, which is helping people diagnosed with cancer, an easier process than chemotherapy. As well as neutron scattering, they study the structure and dynamics of matter at the atomic and molecular scale. They also work on neutron radiography, where if you would try to look at a picture of a dog would be 4 times clearer and provide more inside details than any radiography that we have currently. And my favorite as an engineer, NTD silicon doping, which is they insert a silicon into the reactor and exposed it to a high level of radiation until it burns into a transistor chips  similar to the one that is used in electrical devices like laptops and is also more effective than those laptop transistors.

Overall I have learned a lot about the MIT facility and nuclear reactor. It has helped me better understand the range of how important nuclear fissions is and how useful it can be when used right. I know that a lot of people are still skeptical about nuclear power plants due to its misusage in the second world war and its ability to create mass destructive weapons, but it can also in my opinion help us go far into medicine and create renewables power for the future and improvement of our planet.

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