PPE Curriculum

To complete a major in PPE, all students must complete 7 core courses, 6 electives, and one senior
seminar. These fourteen classes are balanced between the three disciplines. You’ll take at least
four classes in Economics, in Philosophy, and in Political Science.

By taking classes in these three disciplines, students are often able to complete many of the
distribution requirements needed for either a Bachelor of the Arts or Bachelor of Science. On
this page, you can find one sample schedule for achieving a BA in PPE and one sample
schedule for achieving a BS in PPE. The full list of requirements are available in links below.

These schedules are only meant as samples, and the PPE major is very flexible. If you have
concerns about how to organize your plan of study, please contact Prof. Melenovsky or Prof.

PPE Checklist

PPE Learning Goals and Objectives

Sample Schedule for Bachelor of Arts (BA)

BA Requirements (2019)

Sample Schedule for Bachelor of Science (BS)

BS Requirements (2019)