The complex lines of power that deliver energy to all the citizens of the United States have once produced over 7,671 billion kilowatt-hours, this extensive lines of power maintain the U.S industries, homes and businesses alive and running on a daily basis. The power plants provide energy the lines to transport the power all over the country. In, offers us ”Visualizing The Grid’ which is a very interactive illustration that I believe it is extremely helpful in order to understand how the electric grid is placed and how it obtains the power from. The link is: Take a minute to observe it.
I am going to show you how the the electric grid is distributed in the United States based on this article from NPR. To begging, the main sources of power of the grid come from Coal, Nuclear, Gas and Hydro and Oil. We can see based on NPR that the most used resource its Coal. The least used is Oil (not to be confused with Gas which is one of the most used, mostly in the south). The power plants that provide the energy to the grid are more pervasive towards the eastern hemisphere of the country. The solar power has its stronger use in the south-west.
After years of use, the electric grid has demonstrated to be a quite useful mean of energy distribution; however, it has begun to show decay (plenty of blackouts were ocurrying across the country)/ These has motivated scientists to develop new maintenance for the grid. The ”Smart Grid” as the Department of Energy says ”Smart grid generally refers to a class of technology people are using to bring utility electricity delivery systems into the 21st century, using computer-based remote control and automation”. With today’s innovative technology it was time to develop new means of understanding and distributing energy in The United States.
It is known that after being introduced, the smart grid made the regular grid more proficient and it also in the citizen’s homes and businesses. The Department of Energy also says that ”Now, many options and products are being made available to the electricity industry to modernize it”, so the smart grid resulted into a successful idea that it is going to help the americans built their way into the future. Siemens, a company expert on grid infrastructure mentioned ”the Smart Grid doesn’t just mean smart meters. It’s about the big picture of improved energy delivery, informed consumption and reduced environmental impact”. They are, as their website says ‘No. 1 provider of a Smart Grid platform and the No. 1 Smart Grid integrator”.
So how does it work?
As the Department of Energy refers to the smart phone, being a phone with a computer inside. The smart grid is able to report the electric activity on its own so we will not be seeing a man coming home and checking for the meters anymore. The Smart Grids in the many homes and businesses can be controlled/adjusted from one place and all the information can be gathered more easily.
“” The Department of Energy, n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2012. <>.
“Visualizing The U.S. Electric Grid.” Npr. NPR, n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2012. <>.
“What Is the Smart Grid?” Siemens, n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2012. <>.