An Isolated Generation

Gen Z Pre-Pandemic

        Before the pandemic, Gen Z was known to have extremely high rates of anxiety and depression. One of the most contributing factors was reported to be schoolwork and education. In a poll taken by the American Psychological Association, more than nine in ten Gen Z members have reported experiencing a physical reaction from stress, anxiety, and depression. Another striking finding was that the average level of manageable stress increased by .2 from 2017 to 2018. This shows how our changing world cheerfully provides Gen-Z with increasing anxieties. 

        Nevertheless, what do these numbers mean? How does this impact education? It is well-known anxiety may appear for stress-inducing situations in school, such as finals and presentations. But there is a difference from experiencing anxiety vs. living with it. A very similar comparison can be made with depression, it is one thing to feel sad, and another to live in constant distress.

        However, Depression and Anxiety rates are not dropping, and Gen Z is siphoning stress and anxiety from multiple areas. From education to politics. A recent poll from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that 47.4% of Gen Z adults had experienced increased anxiety and depression symptoms due to COVID-19. 


Gen Z Vs. The Pandemic

        Aside from Political Concerns. Social distancing has also been a challenging aspect for Gen Z. In a recent Forbes Interview with Aimee Koontz, the marketing expert confirms Gen Z’s mental state. “Data suggests that Gen Z is already a generation plagued with anxiety and depression more than the other generations surveyed.” Koontz, Aimee “What’s Really Plaguing Gen Z?” Forbes, 3 June, 2020. 

        Considering this generation’s relationship with technology, separation seems less threatening when you can chat with anyone virtually instantly. Although technology seems like an excellent basis for learning and communication, there is a considerable percentage that prefers face to face, and the longer stay at home orders, and quarantine lasts, the higher it is expected to rise. 


Gen Z and Online Education

         Looking further into online classes, it may seem like a foolproof method of resuming education. An estimated 67% of college students have reported feeling more motivated in an online environment than in person. Even so, in unknown times, will they remain motivated at home? With previous data shown, will online education help this upcoming generation for the better? Or will it have harsh repercussions? With many colleges, high schools, and primary schools having hybrid classes this fall, we will all wait to see the results, both mental and physical, of a generation educated online.







Works Cited

Aratani, Lauren. “Why the Covid-19 Financial Crisis Will Leave Lasting Scars on Gen Z.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 6 July 2020, www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/06/gen-z-covid-19-financial-crisis-lasting-scars.

Chamings, Andrew. “Adulthood Interrupted: Millions of Gen Zers Move Back into Their Parents’ Homes.” SFGate, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 July 2020, www.sfgate.com/living-in-sf/article/Gen-Zers-COVID-moving-home-depression-15399559.php.

Drenik, Gary. “What’s Really Plaguing Gen Z?” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 3 June 2020, www.forbes.com/sites/garydrenik/2020/06/03/whats-really-plaguing-gen-z/.

Hobson, Jeremy. “How Generation Z Is Handling Pandemic, Protests Against Racial Injustice.” How Generation Z Is Handling Pandemic, Protests Against Racial Injustice | Here & Now, WBUR, 8 July 2020, www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2020/07/08/generation-z-covid-19-protests.

May 14, 2020, and Kim Parker and Ruth Igielnik. “What We Know About Gen Z So Far.” Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project, 15 May 2020, www.pewsocialtrends.org/essay/on-the-cusp-of-adulthood-and-facing-an-uncertain-future-what-we-know-about-gen-z-so-far/.

Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological Association, www.apa.org/monitor/2019/01/gen-z.

Perna, Mark C. “Why Is Gen-Z Feeling So Good About Life After COVID-19?” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 23 June 2020, www.forbes.com/sites/markcperna/2020/06/23/why-is-gen-z-feeling-so-good-about-life-after-covid-19/.

Schaffhauser06/18/18, Dian. “Survey: Most Students Say Online Learning Is as Good or Better Than Face-to-Face.” Campus Technology, campustechnology.com/articles/2018/06/18/most-students-say-online-learning-is-as-good-or-better-than-face-to-face.aspx.

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Sophie Young


  1. I think it’s really interesting to see the duality of our generation in dealing with the pandemic because there is a large group of gen-z who has never felt happier during these times since they are able to spend more time in online spaces, which they feel allow them to express themselves better than they could in school, where they felt watered down. On the other hand, some feel watered down at home as their parents pay more attention to them. Our generation is an incredibly expressive and individual one. We are experiencing this during a time where we are exploring the bounds of our personalities and selves, as well as learning a lot about our country and world socially and politically through online spaces and current events, and for many, the pandemic has opened the door to that exploration for some just as it has limited it for others.

    • Exactly! I think it’s fascinating how each generation has had a moment in history that shaped them. It will be very interesting to see how our generation and the world will change during this pandemic.

  2. As you said, generation Z is very anxious at all times. During the pandemic though I believe that the stress levels have increased even more, as the teenagers stuck at home had a huge problem sitting in four walls and not being able to leave their houses for a couple of weeks. It is extremely hard to make everyone stress-free and at the same time keep everyone safe and protected from the coronavirus. Even though it says on the graph that gen Z is more in favor of the face-to-face communication, I think that if people have an option to talk to their friends and relatives by using the online communication, they would not mind. I personally had a lot of anxiety when I had to seat home for five to ten weeks and could not see my friends. Why, in your opinion, do you think that gen Z is experiencing so much anxiety? I think it is because of the teenage problems why the people of gen Z have so much stress and problems. As you said the generation Z is extremely used to the technology, it makes it easier for them to stay at home and communicate with their friends. But the communication face to face is priceless for the teenagers. This is an exact reason why it crates stress. However, I believe that because the gen Z is so used to having that much stress in their lives, it is the main reason why they are so good in dealing with anxiety. So during the pandemic, it was also easily controlled by the gen Z.

  3. Nevertheless, I admire your approach to this topic and how you choose to portray it. Stress, anxiety, and depression is definitely a subject that requires awareness not only in the United States but worldwide. You provide both insightful and statistical information referenced that really portraits the situation at its very peak. I really like how you incorporated a quote from a recent Forbes interview speaking on how “Data suggests that Gen Z is already a generation plagued with anxiety and depression more than the other generations surveyed.” Koontz, Aimee “What’s Really Plaguing Gen Z?” Forbes, 3 June 2020. Do you think the United States has a good approach to approaching teens and young adults who struggle with these issues daily? As you mention in your article on the impact of how social distancing can be a challenging aspect for this generation, do you think that will further on change the form of bond that is built within a face to face interaction? Often treatments for these conditions are often costly and limited, should these resources be provided for free as more and more of our generation struggle with mental illness? Overall, you have a great emphasis and portray your point very well. These kinds of topics should be talked about more to see within the reality within many. And there is definitely much to improve on how we can decrease levels of stress, anxiety, and depression for upcoming generations.

  4. Interesting to see that statistic of 67% of college students feeling more motivated by the move to online. I initially came back to my home in Vermont following the cancellation of classes feeling a bit relieved to be away from city life as I’d been meaning to get back for a while and I knew I would be safely tucked away from any major epicenters. I initially had some actual excitement in one of my classes, Film Production, because it meant we had to improvise our own film sets, lighting techniques, everything. It really breathed a new life into my filmmaking. But, as the weeks progressed my performance in about every other class plummetted fairly hard. It was just a general malaise setting in from having to complete my studies through a computer screen when I’d spent 3 years working hard to attend and be in a place and be experiencing something. I’ve long suffered from depression and anxiety and so COVID didn’t feel all that different. I wonder, statistically, how many others from my generation suffering from mental illness feel the same

    I had a pretty strong group of friends from high school that zoomed together from our various locales pretty regularly, weekly, if not more and that definitely helped with my personal sense of isolation. It’d be fairly interesting to see data about how many people started reaching out to old friends who’d they lost touch with once self-isolation kicked in. I feel like that happened to me multiple times.

    That statistic showing such a strong plurality of Gen Zers still prefer face-to-face communication as their preferred form of interaction really strikes true for me. I think we get pegged as so attached to our phones and as “digital natives”—whatever that means—when we aren’t all that different from any other generation. Anecdotally, I know so many of peers who will refer to themselves as “bad texters” and almost everyone I know says that they can’t write an email for the life of them. School and the fear of a second wave have definitely, fully, sent my anxiety through the roof. I’m sure its the same for most other people. Beyond that there’s a general sadness, most of the friends I had made at Suffolk were in-person and I never really knew how to, or got into the rhythm of interacting with them digitally. As I begin my final days at Suffolk I fear that the digital classrooms and no campus environment will have permanently severed that connection and I will graduate without them. I wonder how many more are in my boat.

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