The Blank Page: Write On to Break Through Writer’s Block for Legal Writing Success

By: Kathy Vinson Writer’s block—a formidable foe faced by all writers, from seasoned novelists to novice law students—inevitably strikes when the words seem to elude you, when the cursor blinks mockingly on an empty page, and when the weight of deadlines bears down heavily upon your shoulders. At its core, writer’s block stems from a… Continue Reading The Blank Page: Write On to Break Through Writer’s Block for Legal Writing Success

The Future of Transactional Skills Today

By: Adam Eckart Law school courses geared towards transactional attorneys have long centered on contract drafting. Yet, students preparing for transactional practice today will not be prepared to enter practice unless transactional skills classes and legal writing classes help prepare students for the variety of skills that are required of today’s transactional attorney. Today’s transactional… Continue Reading The Future of Transactional Skills Today

AI: It’s Just a Shiny New Hammer in Your Legal Toolkit

By: Colin M. Black Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), or what we also know as large language models or generative AI, is no longer a futuristic concept. It’s here. This sophisticated technology, capable of producing human-like text with seemingly human-like analysis, is fast becoming a ubiquitous tool in academia and the legal profession. However, GenAI’s capabilities… Continue Reading AI: It’s Just a Shiny New Hammer in Your Legal Toolkit

Dashboard Legal – How Law Students Can Learn to Effectively Collaborate with Others

By: Megan R. Fistori & Gianna C. Marchetti The best lawyers must be willing to work collaboratively, irrespective of who they represent. In actuality, we all are constantly exchanging ideas; whether a student or a professional in the workplace, no one writes or works completely independently. When most recently did you confer with a fellow… Continue Reading Dashboard Legal – How Law Students Can Learn to Effectively Collaborate with Others

Securing Your Skills

By: Dyane O’Leary Every lawyer wants their work product to be excellent, complete, and accurate. But what about it also being secure? Lawyers of past generations thought of security as lock-and-key file cabinets and careful out-of-sight placement of legal pads with confidential work product around a conference table. Tomorrow’s lawyers may still think about those… Continue Reading Securing Your Skills

Lead the Way: How Leadership Courses in Law Schools Can Satisfy ABA Standard 303

by Kathleen Elliott Vinson As law schools grapple with ways to comply with revised American Bar Association (“ABA”) Standard on Legal Education 303, they should consider how leadership courses can satisfy the new requirements. Indeed, there is common ground and connections between Standard 303 and leadership courses as the competencies that are the focus of… Continue Reading Lead the Way: How Leadership Courses in Law Schools Can Satisfy ABA Standard 303

Just Look Up!

By Professor Kathleen Elliott Vinson “Just look up” was the grass-roots campaign of two astronomers in the Netflix movie, Don’t Look Up, warning everyone about a comet hurtling toward Earth that would destroy human civilization. They were stunned by society’s disbelief, complacency, self-absorption, and indifference to their warning of an impending apocalyptic danger. The movie… Continue Reading Just Look Up!

Convincing Contracts: Employing Persuasive Drafting Techniques in Transactional Documents

By: Professor Adam Eckart Legal Writing Matters Blog   When you think of persuasive writing, what type of legal document comes to mind? For many students (and lawyers), litigation-specific documents such as briefs and motions come to mind. While these documents are persuasive, many other legal documents can be persuasive as well. In fact, transactional… Continue Reading Convincing Contracts: Employing Persuasive Drafting Techniques in Transactional Documents

Legal Storytelling and Legal Writing

By: Conley Wouters Visiting Assistant Professor of Legal Practice Skills Successful lawyers are successful storytellers. Nearly all legal practice skills share important commonalities with storytelling. Persuasive written advocacy may come to mind first. In an appellate brief or a dispositive motion, lawyers submit to the court competing tales of a single dispute. Even a brief’s… Continue Reading Legal Storytelling and Legal Writing