Brookline MA Average Property Net Operating Income

Brookline’s real estate market is the most expensive among Boston’s suburbs by a considerable margin.  In fact, out of all metro neighborhoods including Boston’s core city markets, Brookline has the 4th highest single family median price and the 3rd highest multifamily price at $2.2M and $2.01M respectively.  Condos in Brookline are priced a bit more modestly at a $956K median, making it the 7th most expensive neighborhood to buy a condo.  

For property investors eyeing Brookline real estate for potential investments, high prices like these can seem like an obstacle.  In this post we’ll break down what the net operating income might look like for all property types based on median sales prices and average rents in Brookline.

Estimated NOI For Brookline Single Family Homes

If you’re looking for single family homes for sale in Brookline, expect to see gorgeous New England homes in a beautiful suburban setting.  You can also expect to see huge price tags, as Brookline’s single family median price is the highest among all Boston suburbs.  

At a $2.2M median sale price, your estimated annual expenses for a Brookline property would be $100K.  That would include a standard mortgage payment (30 years, 30% down, 3% APR), property taxes, average homeowner’s insurance, and 10% maintenance.  

Your estimated revenue would be $33,180 at the average rent price for Brookline apartments ($2,765) multiplied by 12.

Brookline Avg. Rent x 12 Estimated Annual Expenses NOI
Brookline SF $33,180 -$100,748 -$67,568

As you can see, the estimated net operating income (NOI) of a single family in Brookline would leave you -$67.6K yearly when you apply these averages.

Estimated NOI For Condos

Brookline condos do come at a lower asking price, with a 1 year median of $956K.  That makes yearly expenses a bit more reasonable at $48K per year.  This accounts for a $300 HOA fee in lieu of the 10% maintenance fees used in the single family NOI calculation.  Still, at $33.1K per year expected revenue from Brookline’s average rent price, that is still a $14.8K loss in yearly NOI for condo properties.    

Brookline Avg. Rent x 12 Estimated Annual Expenses NOI
Brookline Condo $33,180 -$48,061 -$14,881

Brookline Multi Family Estimated NOI

Interestingly, the 1 year median price for multi-family homes for sale in Brookline is lower than that of single-family properties.  At $2.02M, the estimated yearly expenses of a Brookline multifamily would be $91.9K.  So for a 2 family home in Brookline, the estimated NOI would be a -$25.6K loss per year, while a 3 family would yield at $7,600 profit.  

Brookline Avg. Rent x 12 Estimated Annual Expenses NOI
Brookline 2 Family Home $66,360 -$91,940 -$25,580
Brookline 3 Family Home $99,540 -$91,940 $7,600

Of course each individual property for sale is its own opportunity, and these estimates by no means entail that there are no good investment properties in Brookline.  The inventory of houses in Brookline is unique in that it has many large sprawling estates that pump up median prices.  

A savvy investor can always find opportunities where they exist.  Brookline may not have the lowest prices, but it is a very active market with lots of listings for condos and single family homes.  Among the 64 active Brookline properties in MLS, 16 are under $1M, and there are bound to be some among all 64 that might present a good investment opportunity.


What Are The Best Sleeping Positions With Acid Reflux?

Why Does Acid Reflux Happen?

You’ve heard of the symptoms, but what exactly is the underlying cause? GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, is an uncomfortable condition where food and stomach acids pass back into the oesophagus. It can also cause a burning sensation in the chest, throat, and jaw. This condition is often accompanied by a sore throat and a bitter taste in the mouth.

Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to prevent it.

  • First, make sure you don’t eat right before bed. Ideally, you should eat light, two to three hours before bed. Don’t lie down immediately after eating. The sphincter muscle in your lower stomach relaxes at the wrong time during the night.
  • Second, avoid consuming high-fat foods. Dairy products contain too much fat and are hard to digest. That includes chocolates, ice-creams, and milk and cheese. Cheese is the only dairy product you can eat during acidity because it contains healthy bacteria that help with digestion.
  • Third, limit your intake of dairy products. Instead, opt for a diet rich in vegetables and non-citrus fruits. Whole grains have high fiber content and absorb excess stomach acid.

Ultimately, your doctor will prescribe a treatment plan that addresses the root cause. Your treatment will be based on lifestyle changes and a healthy diet. For example, if you eat fatty foods, your body will produce more acid, making acid reflux symptoms worse. If you’re eating a high-fat or spicy meal, you should limit your intake of these foods until your symptoms subside.

What Causes Acid Reflux During Night-Time?

Many people experience heartburn, which is a burning sensation in the chest. However, acid reflux is more likely to happen at night. This is because gravity is not on your side when you’re sleeping. While you’re standing, gravity will help food pass through your oesophagus and into your stomach. Gravity will not work for you if you’re lying on your back. Sleeping on your back causes heartburn. Therefore, the contents of your stomach may reflux into your oesophagus and cause acid reflux.

The stomach naturally moves food through your oesophagus and into your stomach, so it’s no surprise that acid is more likely to flow up the oesophagus at night. But gravity doesn’t have the same effect when you’re lying down. You lose this effect when you’re lying down, and bile and acids cannot move through your digestive system and cause heartburn.

The lower esophageal sphincter prevents acid from refluxing into the oesophagus. But when you’re lying down, the sphincter relaxes and allows the acid to travel up and cause heartburn. If you lie down on your back, gravity isn’t as strong, and the acid reflux is more severe. It would help if you considered treating this condition as soon as you start experiencing symptoms of this condition.

The Best Sleeping Positions For Acid Reflux

Sleeping To The Left:

If you have acid reflux, inclining your bed to the left can help keep stomach acid in your oesophagus. A tilted bed frame will keep your oesophagus above your stomach. It is essential to raise your head while sleeping on your belly to prevent acid from entering your oesophagus and causing GERD. This sleep position may be more beneficial for you than you think.

Reflux that occurs on the left side tends to be less severe than those on the right. If you are suffering from acid reflux, you should consider lying on your left side. With fewer restrictions, it will allow stomach acid to flow back into your oesophagus. If you are a right-handed person, you should sleep on your left side. Either way, sleeping on your side will do the same damage.

Sleeping Flat:

Another best position for sleeping with acid reflux is the flat side. If you are prone to acid reflux, sleeping on your left side may be the best option for you. This position reduces the amount of acid that passes through your oesophagus. Generally, your symptoms are more likely to occur if you sleep on your back. And because of the lower esophageal sphincter, you should try lying on your left side.

For Pregnant Ladies:

The best sleeping position for acid reflux is the left side if you’re pregnant. While sleeping on your right side does not have the same benefits, it will help protect your oesophagus from prolonged acid exposure. Sleeping on their left side can be an excellent option for some patients. This position allows you to sleep on your side and reduce the risk of experiencing acid reflux while you sleep.

Inclined Position:

An inclined position is one of the best options for controlling acid reflux while you sleep. When you are lying on your back, the stomach will remain in your oesophagus for a longer time, aggravating your symptoms. You should sleep on your side in the opposite position, and the esophagus will be angled downward, preventing reflux. By elevating your head and neck, you’ll minimise the risk of acid reflux.

Additional Suggestions For Controlling Acid Reflux

  • Additional Tips to Control Acid Reflux at night include staying up in bed and not letting yourself lie down for a while after eating. This can help prevent acid reflux and keep your head elevated at night. However, piling pillows may not be the best option for acid reflux sufferers, as they are prone to shifting when you sleep. A better option is an adjustable bed base. This can be adjusted so that the patient can find the best sleeping position for them.
  • Other additional tips for acid reflux include sleeping on your left side or sleeping on your back. Although both positions are recommended for most people with GERD, these positions aren’t suitable for most people. To help control acid reflux at night, you should choose a sleeping position that allows you to lie on your side or incline slightly. These positions are beneficial for many reasons, including being more comfortable.

Apart from all these, it is also wiser if everyone does a home sleep test (HST) for adults. This is important and all are suggested to do it.


Besides, sleeping on the right side is not as beneficial. The correct side position does not have the same benefits and is often associated with more gas. However, it’s generally more comfortable for people with acid reflux during the night. This is the best sleeping position for acid reflux. This position will help reduce the severity of the symptoms and reduce the amount of acid exposure during the night.

The Highest Potential Revenue Earning Industries Of 2022

Recessions and depressions continue to plague the world. This has resulted in a decline in the growth of numerous industries. Fortunately, several industries have seen revenue growth that has remained steady during these hard times. Despite the economy-stifling epidemic, some businesses are doing well thanks to ongoing technological improvements. Their rapid growth can be attributed to their current trend.

Banking and Finance

There is no doubt that the financial sector will continue to thrive, no matter how the global economy changes. It was during the pandemic that a number of businesses were forced into hiring outside financial experts in order to keep going. Even in the midst of a crisis, banking and financial literacy have proven crucial in keeping companies afloat. However, the sector was expected to increase at a rate of 4.7% in 2020, despite the bleak economic outlook. In the financial business, there are an estimated 5,200 open positions, with 96% of them being in PMET roles including compliance and relationship management. In addition, further into 2022, the financial industry will see many new and exciting developments, including the issue of digital banking licences and a resilient real estate market.

Sports Betting

Investors in the sports betting sector have high hopes for the future of the US market, which they believe will grow rapidly over the next several years. By 2028, Grand View Research predicts that the global market would be worth more than $140 billion.

In 2021, we witnessed a large number of newcomers join an already burgeoning number of new businesses. Gaming has become more participatory, more in-play and less reliant on the skill of the player – yet we’ve only scratched the surface of this market’s full potential.

Sports betting is gaining enormous traction at the state level. A great indicator for the sector, this is the most significant development to keep an eye on in 2022.

If you’re trying to take your career to the next level, moving can be a terrific alternative. Many people are drawn to work in the iGaming sector since it is flourishing in particular areas. In Europe, iGaming regulation is well advanced, with jurisdictions like the United Kingdom, Malta, Gibraltar, and the Republic of Ireland issuing licences that allow operators to sell their products to the general population and working on offshore jurisdictions which gives operators never-ending levels of opportunity. iGaming enterprises can sell their products online in a wide range of nations, including the United States. As far as licensing countries go, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa all have legalised internet gambling to some degree.


Software and Technology

All other businesses’ need for new employees is being driven in large part by the software and IT industries. After the epidemic, the demand for software engineers has risen by 25%. That’s because the demand for cutting-edge software and cybersecurity will rise in tandem with the development of new technologies. Nowadays, almost every organisation has an online presence that must be safeguarded and secured in order to remain competitive. To protect their business from both external and internal risks, they are taking preventive measures. Cloud computing marketing is expected to reach $760.98 billion in 2027, which will drive an increase in cybersecurity to $366 and will rise by 1 billion by 2028.

The COVID-19 crisis pushed several sectors toward cashless payments and other digital solutions, which in turn advanced digitization. As a result of this shift, the IT industry will continue to grow. Cybersecurity and ethical hacking analysts have become increasingly important in Singapore’s businesses.

Artificial Intelligence

In part because of the pandemic’s impact on organisations, AI is one of the fastest-growing sectors. Consequently, businesses were forced to find ways to maintain operations despite the fact that they had reduced their workforces.

Computing advances will help Artificial Intelligence shape the future of many different sectors. Consequently, governments and businesses are investing extensively in AI technology. With its digital transformation plan, Singapore is one of the countries that has embraced the trend. When the government invested in technology to promote the use of artificial intelligence (AI), the business sector followed suit. For example, the Singapore government worked with Microsoft to develop chatbots for customer care.

Digital Marketing

Increasing numbers of people are shopping online. It’s a safer option than making purchases face-to-face, making digital marketing one of the leading revenues. Because of this, web-based sales must be supported by websites and businesses. Furthermore, digital and internet marketing will take on a more technology-based role in which grasping and interpreting big data will remain vital. Digital and internet marketing.

The only way to stay relevant in today’s online marketing landscape is to mix social and digital marketing channels through digitalization. Because of this, there will be an increased demand for professionals with expertise in data-driven design, digital marketing strategy, and data gathering and analysis. If you have a background in digital marketing, you are well-positioned to take advantage of the expected 33 percent surge in hiring in the services business following the pandemic.

Resume Writing Tips In The Age Of Rapid Digitalisation

Photo by Van Tay Media on Unsplash

At a time when there is such a monumental focus on innovation and motivation, it should come as no surprise that we are finding ourselves to be far more focused and far more reliant on Innovations that are designed and intended to improve the way that we navigate the world around us and the way that we experience it as well. As such, we have seen quite literally every aspect of life as we know it and every corresponding industry be revolutionised from the inside out from the ground up. Now that the digital era is upon us, it is more important than ever to pay attention to this and to invest in it going forward.

The process of resume writing is one fantastic example of  how basic navigations and processes in life are being enhanced and improved to rapid digitalisation and technological advancement.  Even so, there are many opportunities for the resume process to be enhanced and improved both from an individual perspective and every mcollective standpoint. It certainly helps to have some resume writing tips at your fingertips. With this in mind, what are the most important and valuable resume writing tips in the age of rapid digitalisation?

Embrace the modern approach to resume writing

While it can certainly be an  interesting process to learn how the modern approach to resume writing works, it is definitely super essential for everybody to be willing and able to learn and navigate all of that. Whether it is working with resume templates entry level or stepping entirely out of your comfort zone and beginning to learn every aspect of the modern nice process, there are modern approaches to resume writing that must be adhered to. From automated innovation and powerful modernisations in a resume writing and collected process, today resume writing is golden smarter than ever.

Make it concise and straightforward

There is nothing more frustrating as an employer than trying to sift through tons of resumes and realising that they are all six and more pages long and full of unnecessary or irrelevant information. It makes the process frustrating. So, make your resume concise and straightforward. There is no getting around the fact that this is absolutely one of the most valuable resume writing tips in the digital era because today it is more of a competitive landscape and as such that means that there is always room for further enhancement and improvement.

Invest in professional advice

Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with hiring professionals to be able to look over your resume and help you figure out if and where you need to make changes. This is all about putting your best foot forward in one of the best assets that you have at your disposal is a world of limitless access to information and knowledge that is designed and intended to improve the experience for all involved parties and most especially for yourself when writing and finetuning your resume.