What Are The Best Sleeping Positions With Acid Reflux?

Why Does Acid Reflux Happen?

You’ve heard of the symptoms, but what exactly is the underlying cause? GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, is an uncomfortable condition where food and stomach acids pass back into the oesophagus. It can also cause a burning sensation in the chest, throat, and jaw. This condition is often accompanied by a sore throat and a bitter taste in the mouth.

Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to prevent it.

  • First, make sure you don’t eat right before bed. Ideally, you should eat light, two to three hours before bed. Don’t lie down immediately after eating. The sphincter muscle in your lower stomach relaxes at the wrong time during the night.
  • Second, avoid consuming high-fat foods. Dairy products contain too much fat and are hard to digest. That includes chocolates, ice-creams, and milk and cheese. Cheese is the only dairy product you can eat during acidity because it contains healthy bacteria that help with digestion.
  • Third, limit your intake of dairy products. Instead, opt for a diet rich in vegetables and non-citrus fruits. Whole grains have high fiber content and absorb excess stomach acid.

Ultimately, your doctor will prescribe a treatment plan that addresses the root cause. Your treatment will be based on lifestyle changes and a healthy diet. For example, if you eat fatty foods, your body will produce more acid, making acid reflux symptoms worse. If you’re eating a high-fat or spicy meal, you should limit your intake of these foods until your symptoms subside.

What Causes Acid Reflux During Night-Time?

Many people experience heartburn, which is a burning sensation in the chest. However, acid reflux is more likely to happen at night. This is because gravity is not on your side when you’re sleeping. While you’re standing, gravity will help food pass through your oesophagus and into your stomach. Gravity will not work for you if you’re lying on your back. Sleeping on your back causes heartburn. Therefore, the contents of your stomach may reflux into your oesophagus and cause acid reflux.

The stomach naturally moves food through your oesophagus and into your stomach, so it’s no surprise that acid is more likely to flow up the oesophagus at night. But gravity doesn’t have the same effect when you’re lying down. You lose this effect when you’re lying down, and bile and acids cannot move through your digestive system and cause heartburn.

The lower esophageal sphincter prevents acid from refluxing into the oesophagus. But when you’re lying down, the sphincter relaxes and allows the acid to travel up and cause heartburn. If you lie down on your back, gravity isn’t as strong, and the acid reflux is more severe. It would help if you considered treating this condition as soon as you start experiencing symptoms of this condition.

The Best Sleeping Positions For Acid Reflux

Sleeping To The Left:

If you have acid reflux, inclining your bed to the left can help keep stomach acid in your oesophagus. A tilted bed frame will keep your oesophagus above your stomach. It is essential to raise your head while sleeping on your belly to prevent acid from entering your oesophagus and causing GERD. This sleep position may be more beneficial for you than you think.

Reflux that occurs on the left side tends to be less severe than those on the right. If you are suffering from acid reflux, you should consider lying on your left side. With fewer restrictions, it will allow stomach acid to flow back into your oesophagus. If you are a right-handed person, you should sleep on your left side. Either way, sleeping on your side will do the same damage.

Sleeping Flat:

Another best position for sleeping with acid reflux is the flat side. If you are prone to acid reflux, sleeping on your left side may be the best option for you. This position reduces the amount of acid that passes through your oesophagus. Generally, your symptoms are more likely to occur if you sleep on your back. And because of the lower esophageal sphincter, you should try lying on your left side.

For Pregnant Ladies:

The best sleeping position for acid reflux is the left side if you’re pregnant. While sleeping on your right side does not have the same benefits, it will help protect your oesophagus from prolonged acid exposure. Sleeping on their left side can be an excellent option for some patients. This position allows you to sleep on your side and reduce the risk of experiencing acid reflux while you sleep.

Inclined Position:

An inclined position is one of the best options for controlling acid reflux while you sleep. When you are lying on your back, the stomach will remain in your oesophagus for a longer time, aggravating your symptoms. You should sleep on your side in the opposite position, and the esophagus will be angled downward, preventing reflux. By elevating your head and neck, you’ll minimise the risk of acid reflux.

Additional Suggestions For Controlling Acid Reflux

  • Additional Tips to Control Acid Reflux at night include staying up in bed and not letting yourself lie down for a while after eating. This can help prevent acid reflux and keep your head elevated at night. However, piling pillows may not be the best option for acid reflux sufferers, as they are prone to shifting when you sleep. A better option is an adjustable bed base. This can be adjusted so that the patient can find the best sleeping position for them.
  • Other additional tips for acid reflux include sleeping on your left side or sleeping on your back. Although both positions are recommended for most people with GERD, these positions aren’t suitable for most people. To help control acid reflux at night, you should choose a sleeping position that allows you to lie on your side or incline slightly. These positions are beneficial for many reasons, including being more comfortable.

Apart from all these, it is also wiser if everyone does a home sleep test (HST) for adults. This is important and all are suggested to do it.


Besides, sleeping on the right side is not as beneficial. The correct side position does not have the same benefits and is often associated with more gas. However, it’s generally more comfortable for people with acid reflux during the night. This is the best sleeping position for acid reflux. This position will help reduce the severity of the symptoms and reduce the amount of acid exposure during the night.

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