Trip to The MOS

When I visited the Museum of Science, I took the time to explore what ever caught my eye, really. At this point, my group had not one clue what our experiment would entail, test, or demonstrate. That was our mission, to explore and find certain exhibits and try and brainstorm ideas from there. I took some photos of our trip:

Here’s a photo of Carter and Will trying to balance the center piece and finally getting it ( I think they’re getting it, who knows)

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For whatever reason, the photos refuse to rotate to their proper view, but these offer a peak at the time we spent at MOS, discovering how things work. For example, seen above, Will messes with the ‘Turning Wind into Electricity’ and learns more about the process. Here’s a photo, seen below, of Will and our friend Carter trying to understand how they could possibly create balance using an odd number of weights. After finally giving up, a child about ten or so solved the riddle immediately. Showed us right up


Overall, the MOS was really interesting. There were a lot of cool exhibits and even a wildly colorful an electric show (pun intended) Shown below.DSCF5059

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