Robotics Blog

On January 25th, we began to mess around with LabView in order to become familiar with the program before constructing our robotic cars. We experimented with the output ports, power levels, and the time (in seconds). We mainly spent Tuesday’s class trying to absorb as much information as we could, seeing that we were eager to tinker with our robotic car. unnamed-2

Come Thursday’s class, January 27, 2015, our robotic cars were only plastic pieces resting in a box, ready to be assembled into a robot. We spent nearly the entire class trying to figure out how to properly assemble our cars, as we reached the end of class, we were familiar with it’s capabilities and functions.


On February 3rd and 10th, we mainly spent class time navigating the ways of LabView and testing multiple power levels. Thursday I believe we were working with weights and tested power levels and mass levels to receive different outcomes of indicators. My group tested about five various levels to see how these factors effected the speed and time of the weights movement.

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