Solar Energy Experiment

In the Solar Energy experiment, I worked with my partner to experiment with the effect distance has on voltage as well as how filter color affects voltage.

The first chart demonstrates the results we got in regards to distance and voltage. We had a flashlight and a small solar cell and held the flashlight at different distances from the solar cell. The distances were 0 cm, where the solar cell was turned upside down against the table in an attempt to block all light from it, 2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm, and 8 cm. For the most part, each time the flashlight got farther from the solar cell, the amount of voltage decreased. This makes sense with what we learned in class, as the closer the light source is to the solar cell the higher the voltage.Screen Shot 2015-11-07 at 4.48.47 PM The second graph represents our results in regards to the filters. We experimented with four filter colors, yellow, red, blue, and purple. Yellow allowed for the highest amount of voltage while red allowed for the lowest. Second and third highest were purple and blue respectively. Screen Shot 2015-11-07 at 4.48.55 PM