Unprecedented Mention of Fossil Fuel in Glasgow Climate Agreement

Unprecedented Mention of Fossil Fuel in Glasgow Climate Agreement

By Emily E. Mariano, JHBL Staff Member From October 31st to November 13th, 2021, the COP26 occurred in Glasgow with over 200 nations participating.[1] For almost three decades, the United Nations (“UN”) has been holding an annual convention for the purpose of...
EPA Finally Takes Step to Regulate Forever Chemicals

EPA Finally Takes Step to Regulate Forever Chemicals

By Stephan Maranian, JHBL Staff Member On October 18, 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) announced a long-awaited plan to confront pollution caused by a group of toxic “forever chemicals.”[1] Per- and polyfluoralkyl substances, collectively known as...
Does CTE Stand for Contracts Terminated Early?

Does CTE Stand for Contracts Terminated Early?

By. Jessica Holman, JHBL Staff Member The National Football League, or NFL, and the sport of football in general are multibillion dollar organizations, and they have a major battle on their hands: the battle between their players and CTE.[1] CTE stands for chronic...
Which should come first: the chicken or the laws?

Which should come first: the chicken or the laws?

By Mallory Haeflich, JHBL Staffer In 2020, a restaurant in Singapore made headlines for being the first to serve chicken that came not from a farm or a slaughterhouse, but from a laboratory.[1]  In the short time since then, lab-grown meat (also known by the more...