What can I do if I’m feeling homesick?
Dear Auntie,
I started feeling homesick at the end of the semester and am not sure why. I feel ashamed about this because I am enjoying being at Suffolk and have made good friends. I’m not sure who to speak to or what to do when I am having these homesick feelings. Do you have any advice?
Homesick at Suffolk
Dear Homesick at Suffolk,
What you are feeling is a natural part of living somewhere new. At first you may be in a honeymoon phase and enjoy experiencing new things each day with the new culture. However, after some time, you will begin to miss what you love most about your home country and culture, and of course, you will miss your family and friends back home. This can especially become stronger during stressful situations such as finals week or having a heavy workload or having disagreements with your new friends. Now that you know this is natural and normal, what can you do about it? Well, my advice is to accept these feelings and seek ways to connect with what you are most passionate about that will remind you of home.
Try these when you are feeling most homesick:
- Listen to your favorite music and share these songs with others
- Find your favorite foods locally and ask your friends to try it too
- Watch your favorite movies alone or with others
- Show others how to find your city on a map and then tell them the best things about it
- Teach others some common words in your language so that they can greet you this way
- Share photos of your family, friends, and city with others
- Call your friends and family back home to see how everyone is doing—hearing their voices might do the trick!
Don’t be surprised if doing any of these things makes you cry; that is a healthy response.
Most feelings of homesickness will decrease as time goes by and as you adjust to the new culture; however, for some people, these feelings may persist and lead to depression. If you think this might be true for you, please speak to the INTO Student Experience Team, the Interfaith Center, or to Counseling, Health, and Wellness to get more information on how to keep your homesickness from causing you to withdraw from your studies and friends.
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