Test Post

Get out of Boston: Lowell, MA

– October 29, 2022


To continue our series of visiting cities in Massachusetts that have significantly impacted American history and culture, we are traveling to Lowell, MA at the end of October. Many students have asked why Lowell? The answer is simple; the city of Lowell is the birthplace of modern America.

Before the 1850s, the American economy was dominated by agriculture and individual trade guilds that produced many of the everyday items people used. The American economy became industrialized with the introduction of machines to produce these goods. This industrial revolution became the backbone of the Massachusetts economy, with its center in Lowell’s textile mills.

Since this time, Lowell’s influence on industry and innovation in the US has only increased. The city has become an urban hub of technological startups, global cuisine, and business innovation.

We hope you join us in our exploration of this continuously evolving city on October 29th!

Boardgame Tournament: Taboo

– November 16, 2022


Are you looking to meet other students and make new friends? Joining us for our Taboo game night is the perfect place to start! Although the word taboo means something that is a forbidden behavior, the boardgame Taboo is a great and exciting way to instantly have fun with others and make new friends.

Taboo is a guessing game where players try to say the word on their teammate’s card without using the target word or the helper words on their card. The reason we call this game Taboo is because the players are forbidden to say the target word on their card, like how a taboo is forbidden. Teams try to guess as many target words as they can in their turn. For each target word guessed, they receive a point. The team that has the most points win the game!

This event is co-hosted by the First Gen program at Suffolk University. First Gen promotes and supports students who are the first in their family to attend university. We hope you’ll be able to join us for this fun boardgame tournament on November 16th!

INTO Family Thanksgiving

– November 22, 2022


What do food, family and friends, and football all have in common? They all are major aspects of Thanksgiving – one of the most celebrated holidays in the United States! Thanksgiving takes place on the last Thursday in November every year. On this day, Americans gather with family and friends to give thanks for all the positive things that have happened in the past year. This holiday is especially important for college students, as it marks the beginning of the fall break period from November 23rd to November 27th, in which many students typically travel home for the holiday.

Because many of our students are unable to visit their families during this break, we at INTO want to give you all the opportunity to celebrate this holiday with your INTO family and friends! We are hosting a family thanksgiving in the INTO Suffolk center where you can enjoy the delicious, traditional foods of an American Thanksgiving including turkey, mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, and pie. We might even have a few surprises in store for the party, so be sure to stop by!