Scavenger Hunt

Between the last two days our group made our way around Boston to find many different spots given to us by Professor Allison to find.

Here is the link to look at all the pictures we took along our journey:

To learn more about where we stopped on our scavenger hunt, enjoy these summaries and fun facts.

Faneuil Hall- The Great Hall, is located in the middle of the Faneuil Hall Market and meeting place. Here, many famous historical figures have given speeches, a few examples being Samuel Adams and James Otis. Today it is a stop on the Freedom Trail and remains an important part of Boston’s culture and history.

Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company- The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company is the oldest commissioned Military Company of America and the third oldest in the world. The company has a museum on the 4th floor of the great hall that showcases many military relics from over the years. One of which, is the waist coat of General Warren, who died during the Battle of Bunker Hill.

Statue of Arnold “Red” Auerbach- Red Auerbach was a famous coach and manager of the Boston Celtics. He led the team to nine NBA titles in his time as coach of the team. The statue was made by Lloyd Lillie to commemorate him in one of his victory poses, lighting a cigar. Around him are casts of the shoes of both Bill Rodgers and Larry Bird, two famous players of the Celtics.

Boston’s Tallest Building when it opened in 1914, and for the next 50 years- Boston’s Custom House Tower was the tallest building in Boston standing at 496 ft. exceeding Boston’s height limit of 125 ft.. The Prudential surpassed the Custom House Tower in 1947. The building took four and a half years and $1.8 million dollars to complete. Today, the building is a Marriott Hotel.

Photograph of the seal of the United States (In the dome of the Custom House)- The seal of the United States, is located at the top of the Custom House tower and can be seen from the main lobby of the hotel, if guests simply stop and look up.

Seals at the Aquarium- The harbor seal exhibit is located to the left of the front doors of the New England Aquarium. In the 42,000 gallon tank are two families of seals, with each seal having a distinct look and names. One of the most famous seals, Hoover, could say several phrases, however he passed away in 1985 and now his grandson Chacoda is learning to speak to carry on this legacy.

Rowe’s Wharf & Captain Bonner’s Maps- Captain John Bonner was a mapmaker during the 1700’s. He is responsible for making maps of Boston during this time. The maps of him and others are on display at the Boston Harbor Hotel. P.S.A- Pictures of the maps are normally prohibited.

Independence Wharf- This historic building is a highlight of the Boston Harborwalk experience. On the 14th floor, there is an observation deck that offers a beautiful, bird’s eye view of the Fort Point Channel and beyond. Admission is free, visitors just need to show a picture ID and sign in at the front desk.

Real site of the Boston Tea Party- The actual site of the Boston Tea Party, was an area called Griffin’s Wharf. This wharf has since been filled in, and is not in existence, however the site is around the area of Independence Wharf and if you take a picture, facing south, chances are you have it that picture.

Joe Moakley Courthouse- The Joe Moakley Courthouse is located on 1 Courthouse Way in Boston. It can be seen from many locations down in the Boston Harbor. Despite being a courthouse, the building is more open to public use, having art and culture exhibitions, educational programs for children, and a chance to both view and tour historic vessels.

By: Brianna Duffy, Angela Cutone, Brendan Murphy, Vince Mastantuno, Ben Mimoso

Did Franklin Love Beer?

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

This is the quote that has been used time and time again, whether it be printed on a t-shirt, a sign, or whatever other object a quote could fit on. For the people who know this quote, it is believed to be said by the one and only Benjamin Franklin. This makes people believe that Franklin loved beer and thought it was a gift from God himself. Is this true?

No. This quote  did not come from Benjamin Franklin. Instead, it is most likely derived from another quote which Franklin said about wine. Franklin instead stated “Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards, there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine, a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy.” As it turns out, Franklin was more of a wine drinker rather than a beer one. Over time, the quote has been misused and mistaken for Franklin actually thanking God for beer, not wine. In conclusion, the famous quote is actually untrue, and a twisted version of the real quote about wine that did come from Franklin.




Silence Dogood Essay #9

On July 23, 1722, Benjamin Franklin published his ninth essay of the “Silence Dogood” essays in The New-England Courant. In this essay, Franklin looks to explore which is worse for the Commonwealth; the “hypocritical pretenders to religion, or by the openly profane.” Through his essay, Franklin then concludes that hypocrites are worse than the people that are being openly profane. The hypocrite becomes especially worse, Franklin explains, when they are able to hold a position in government. The reason they are worse is that a hypocrite leads people to believe one thing, when they are truly not following it themselves. Franklin supports this point by explaining how the people will “take him for a Saint, and pass him for one.” While the openly profane people are letting their true values show, the hypocrites are the ones who are hiding these values and leading the people of the Commonwealth to one thing, while they are thinking another. Franklin continues to support this claim, bringing in why it is even worse when the hypocrite holds a position in the government. The hypocrite “leaves the Gospel for the sake of the law,” which Franklin goes on to further explain that while the hypocrite leads his people to believe in the religion he so believes in, he is really cheating them and will destroy them under the law. Through this, the hypocrites are deceiving the people of who they actually are. The people look up to whoever is in a government position and will expect them to do the right thing. They will understand how the openly profane are not fit for the job, and except someone who is to take it, which just might be a hypocrite. The openly profane are at least able to let the truth show about them, while the hypocrites are able to hide this truth, making them much more dangerous since people do not know their true intentions. Franklin goes on to conclude his essay with “a paragraph or two from an ingenious Political Writer in the London Journal.” In these last paragraphs it is explained how we cannot judge people based on their best abilities but “the whole of their conduct, and the effects of it.” By doing this we might be truly able to see how people are, and become aware of who may be deceiving us.

Benjamin Franklin Birthplace

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Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on 1 Milk St on January 17th, 1706. The site is located in downtown Boston right near the Old South Meeting House. Although this is not the exact building that Franklin was born in, it is on the same site. The actual home that he was born in burnt down in a fire in 1811. Captured in the second picture is the bust that was placed on the new building to acknowledge that this was Franklin’s birthplace.

This site is so significant because it was where Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, was born and grew up. Franklin played a large role in American history whether it be being a diplomat, working as a scientist with electricity, or working in the printing business. It is important for us to recognize where one of the most important men in American history came from. Without Benjamin Franklin, American history could have been a lot different as he not only brought so much to Massachusetts, but to America as a whole.