Robotics Activity

This is a Lab Review on what ‘we’ did in the class of SF-197 of the day Sep 16th  2015

First thing ‘me and my partner’ did was, used a car made out of lego we built last week and launched it on a program called ‘LabVIEW’ to test how it works.

We opened a document called VI (Virtual Instrument) ‘’ on LabView, we learned how the VI works with my professor, measuring the distance the wheel travels, and the speed at which the lego car travels.

We measured the diameter of the wheel, and calculated the circumference of the wheel in meters with LabVIEW:

-The circumference of the wheel was 0.1696,

-The diameter is 0.127m.

*Having the power on 75, we measured the distance that the car traveled with a ruler, and we compared it with the distance that the LabVIEW gave us. We got almost a similar number:

-The result the LabView gave us was 0.262m.

-The result we measured was 0.274m.

The results we measured was higher than the results the LabView gave us. After that, we measured the wheel rotation in degree and number of turns.

We came up with:

-For each 537 degrees rotation, is a 1.544m wheel turn, the velocity/speed the wheel was going at 0.274mps.

We then tried figuring out the error between the distance measured and the distance LabView gave, this is the formula on how to do it:

Error % = (Distance Measured – Distance Labview)/Average(A)

Now how to solve that is simple by following this equation:

A = (Distance measured + Distance Labview)/2 = (0.274m+0.262m)/2 = 0.536m/2 = 0.268m

Error = (0.274-0.263)/0.268 = 0.012/0.268 = 4.477%

Next, we repeated that same process 2 more trials but with a different power.

*The Second trial had a power of 100:

-Distance measured was 0.364m, Distance the LabView gave us was 0.369m, for each 537 degrees rotation, is a 2.177 wheel turn, Velocity/Speed was going at 2.117mps.

*The Third trial had a a power of 125.

– Distance measured was 0.365m, Distance the LabView gave us was 0.359m, for each 537 degrees rotation, is a 2.114  wheel turn, Velocity/Speed was going at 2.114mps.


This is a simple table we have done to understand everything we did:

TableThank you for reading this and have a great day~

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