Pandora’s Promise (2013)



Pandora’s Promise is a film that will change your opinion of nuclear power. It’s a shame though that so few people see these kind of documentaries, because this film has the power to change the way we think about nuclear energy. The film Pandora’s Promise convincingly argues that we should take several more looks at the power source everyone loves to hate. Or, as the former nuke hater Stewart Brand says, “What if what I’ve been thinking and my friends have been thinking all this time has been wrong?”

Screenshot at Oct 31 16-48-18

We need nuclear to ward off the environmental crisis. That’s what I thought when I watched the opening scenes of the film. Throughout the history of nuclear energy, since the first nuclear energy station that was connected to the grid opened in Obninsk, Russia, in 1954, it has been affected by its military heritage. thirty minutes through the movie, it gets to the point: Nuclear power, the energy source many people are scared of the most, is the best and currently the only way to satisfy the world’s compulsive demand for electricity without producing CO2 and other emissions that contribute to climate change. The film considered the concerns safety issues for building and constructing nuclear power stations, and the poor safety design of early reactors: Fukushima, Three Mile Island, and Chernobyl, unlike today’s nuclear reactors that are safe and good.

Overall, Pandora’s Promise was an interesting film. Much of the film was quite beautiful and artfully put together by the director. I didn’t know much about nuclear before watching this, but now I feel like I gained more knowledge after. I think the important message that the film wants to give us is: we can’t keep attacking our problems from neither one way, left nor right, we need to work together to find the most effective answer, no matter party politics.

Rating: 4/5

Full Cast: Stewart Brand, Gwyneth Cravens, Mark Lynas, Richard Rhodes, Michael Shellenberger, and Charles Till.

Directed by: Robert Stone.




2 thoughts on “Pandora’s Promise (2013)

  1. mbonardi

    I completely agree that this movie was very informative and I know much more about nuclear energy than I did before watching this film. The film got its message across in the best way possible and was put together very nicely. Great overview of the film!

  2. jthomas09633

    I also agree, this movie was extremely informative and your review/summary did a nice job representing what the movie said.


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