Tom Vales Demos

Tome Vales demos, they were so cool. On Sep 28th, A professor came in instead of Prof. Shatz, and showed us 5 demos. The ‘Mendocino Motor’, the ‘Rocking Armature Motor’, the ‘Stirling Engine’, the ‘Wireless Transmission Energy’, and the ‘Violet Ray Machine’.

let’s talk about the first gadget Prof. Tom showed us, the Mendocino Motor. The Mendocino motor is powered by light, any kind of bright light. It was named the Mendocino motor because, the guy who made it was in Mendocino, California. It’s uses is a teaching tool. Solar cell is an electrical device that converts light energy into electricity, How it works is when the energy goes to the solar cell, it puts a current through the coil, and makes a magnetic field, which then, reacts with the field magnet and just keeps doing a 360 rotation forever. That was an awesome gadget.

Screenshot at Oct 05 16-29-11   ‘Mendocino Motor’

Now on to the 2nd demo, the Rocking Armature Motor. The one Prof. Tom showed us was a reproduction of 1800 motor. What it does is, when you flip a switch, a flywheel keeps spinning and spinning non-stop, and it’s super fast. The motor power for the flywheel comes from the rocking motor, hence the name, The Rocking Armature.

Screenshot at Oct 05 16-27-10   ‘Rocking Armature Motor’

Now this 3rd demo, the Stirling’s engine, my second favorite one. The name came from the inventor, The Reverend Dr. Robert Stirling. It was invented in 1816. It runs on the heat of one coffee cup filled with hot water. Steam engines was all what we had back in the day If you had a factory near a stream. Now, steam engines are very dangerous, it has alot of pressure in them and a lot of accidents could happen. So this is why Stirling invented this engine called Hot air engine. It has 2 pistons: one is called a displacer piston which is in the bottom, and the power piston which is in the front, these 2 pistons runs a flywheel by the steam of the hot water.

Screenshot at Oct 05 16-27-25   ‘Stirling Engine’

My favorite one, the Wireless Transmission Energy. Created by Nikola Tesla, and the developer of alternating current. The WTE is power by a tesla generator. A plastic barrel is surrounded by a copper wire, and on top of it, is a small tesla coil, which only puts out about 7 inches of spark. After it is turned on by a tesla generator, you can see a spark of electricity. When Professor Tom chose 2 of my classmates, he gave both of them a fluorescent tube light and said “Get closer to the Wireless Transmission Energy”. I was still trying to figure out what did he mean by that. But when the 2 classmates came closer to the Wireless Transmission Energy, the fluorescent tube light suddenly turned on, without even being in contact with anything. I was so surprised.

Screenshot at Oct 05 16-26-59   ‘Wireless Transmission Energy’

Violet Ray Machine also created by Tesla. Violet Ray is called like that because, it lights up a violet/purple colored glow. It’s treated like a medical appliance, used in the 20th century. Said to be able to cure diseases, from cancer to diarrhea. Cool project.

IMG_7069  ‘Violet Ray Machine’.

One thought on “Tom Vales Demos

  1. lcharette

    The wireless transmission energy was also my favorite. Like you, the reaction that occurred by stepping closer was somewhat surprising and was very interesting to watch demonstrated.


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