
On the road in our lil Fiat!
On the road in our lil Fiat!


Trieste, Italy
Trieste, Italy

This Wednesday, my mom arrived for her two week visit! The next day after my Thursday classes, my mom, my friend, and I left for our weekend trip: Croatia! Many people take a ferry from Italy to Croatia, but we decided to rent a car because we couldn’t wait for the Friday ferry (and lose a day of travel? No way!). We got the rental car and got all the way to Trieste by Thursday night, which is a seaside city at the very tip top of Italy. After a yummy dinner near the water, we spent the night there. In the morning, we explored the city and the harbor a little before hitting the road again.

We drove through the country of Slovenia and came into Croatia pretty quickly, then stopped in the adorable peninsula town of Zadar. Everyone we talked to around Croatia said Zadar was their favorite, and I can totally see why. We had lunch there and got a couple cute souvenirs before splitting for Split (hehe). We stayed right near the town center and promenade in Split, an awesome town on the coast known for its old town, which is right inside the ruin walls of the ancient Diocletian’s Palace. At night, we explored the bars of Split and discovered Medica, a delicious traditional liquor made from honey! Then in the morning, we wandered through the walkways of Diocletian’s palace and found the open air fish market, an amazing bakery, and the bell tower of the palace (which we climbed)!

Split, Croatia
Split, Croatia

Since it was already Saturday and we had to drive all the way back to Florence before our Monday classes, we drove most of the way up the Croatian coast to Jadranovo, a tiny town that was pretty much deserted when we were there. Croatia is busiest during the summer, because tourists often come to towns like Jadronovo to stay in beach houses or Split to go on cruises! Although it wasn’t swimsuit weather when we were there, Jadronovo was still incredible. We had an unbelievable fish plate for dinner, then on Sunday morning went down to the water before heading back to Florence. It was long weekend of driving, but it was so nice to spend time with my mom and be able to see a new place one little town at a time instead of from a train or a plane. I hope to go back to Croatia in the future, maybe with my swimsuit next time! Now I’m getting back to work in my classes and preparing for some more of my family to visit. 🙂

Jadranovo, Croatia
Jadranovo, Croatia

6 thoughts on “Roadtrip!”

  1. Hey Elle!
    Looks like you are having the time of your life. I am so happy for you. Nothing like traveling abroad to bring up the spirits. Thanks for your blog. I must visit Croatia someday. Sounds wonderful.
    My husband and I have been through out central and northern Italy.
    Hey, if you get the chance drop a line at my NESAD email address.
    best to you,

    1. Hi Lydia!
      Thank you for reading my blog, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Croatia is definitely worth a visit. Hope you’re having a great semester!

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