Halfway done already?!

I cannot believe that my semester abroad is already halfway finished! I’m happy with how my work is looking and I’m especially excited to go more in depth with my ideas for the remainder of my time here. I’m also relieved about my High Renaissance midterm exam; we got our grades back this week and my studying paid off!

sunset in London
Good ole Big Ben

After midterms, I flew to London for my spring break to visit a friend studying there. We also took a day trip to Geneva, Switzerland! Random, I know, but the flights were very cheap. While in London, I saw all the touristy London things (Big Ben, Parliament, Buckingham Palace etc.) as well as some awesome museums like the National Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, The British Museum, and the Tate Modern. I really enjoyed Camden Market, an area full of shops, stalls, and food carts that you can get lost in for hours. I also had some excellent pub food (and a pint!), Thai food, Mexican food, and some awesome Indian food. When you have nothing but pasta and pizza for a while, the food diversity in London is fantastic!

One of the crazy art installations in Geneva
One of the crazy art installations in Geneva

In Geneva, my friend and I walked pretty much the whole city, which was quite small and cold but very scenic and lovely. We didn’t really go with a plan, so we went to a lot of museums and galleries, which was great, and ate a LOT. My favorite meals there were my chicken and pesto crepe & our swiss fondue dinner. I think my favorite part of the trip was the contemporary/modern art museum, which was quite an experience. It was in a sort of warehouse type building, with one side a typical museum set up and the other side more installation type art, some of which was super out-there. I loved it!

the sun rising over the Arno river
The sun rising over the Arno river

The day after  I got back to Florence from London, my girlfriend flew in to spend her spring break here! It was such a great week. She rented an apartment right near the Duomo in the center of Florence, so it was so easy to go out an explore. Even though it was pretty rainy all week, we were busy while she was here! Besides our strolls around Florence, we saw David at the Accademia gallery, ate shameful amounts of gelato, climbed the Duomo, had incredible pizza, and saw a movie at an awesome movie theater here called the Odeon. It’s actually an old theater made into a movie theater that plays English-speaking films with Italian subtitles- so cool! We saw an incredible film called Beasts of the Southern Wild about life in southern Louisiana. We also found a very cool restaurant/cafe/book store called Libreria Brac. They have coffee and pastries, a hang out spot to buy and read books, and serve incredible vegan/vegetarian food for dinner. My favorite time of her visit was her last day here: we woke up at 5 am and walked across the river and up hundreds of steps to Piazzale Michelangelo to watch the sun rise. The Piazzale has an incredible view overlooking the city of Florence and the surrounding mountains, and the sunrise was just incredible. A perfect ending to a wonderful few weeks! Now, I’m getting ready for my mom and family to visit in the coming weeks and preparing for a visit to Croatia this weekend. 🙂 Ciao!

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