Hello again! Since this is only my second blog post and I only briefly went over my classes in my first post, I thought I would write more in depth about my classes.
On Monday and Wednesday mornings, I’m in a class called Drawing: Structure & Expression. This is the class that came after Drawing I and II for me. So far, we’ve worked mostly in large scale drawings of figures during class. Typically, we draw observing a live model either in graphite pencil, conté crayon, or charcoal. Here is an example of one of my class work drawings:
Each week for homework in Drawing: Structure & Expression, our professor has us draw a subject of our choice with a medium of our choice, and it doesn’t matter what we choose as long as the drawing is finished. Here is an example of one of my homework assignments:
On Monday and Wednesday afternoons, I have printmaking class! I’m pretty sure printmaking is going to be my favorite class this semester. The class has a format of different printmaking techniques for us to learn, but other than that, the class is very open. So far, some of the students have made over 4 different kinds of prints, while others have spent more time on one or two techniques. Personally, I’ve tried 3 or 4 different printmaking techniques. The first type of print we made was a linoleum print, which required carving a square of linoleum and rolling ink on it with paper through the printing press to create an image. Here are my sloths that I made using this method:
We had a few projects after that, and I’m working on one now that I’m very excited about! Once I get further along in the process I will post pictures and explanations.
On Tuesday nights, I have Ideas of Western Art I class. This class is a survey Art History class on, obviously, Western Art! It’s been difficult the past few weeks for our class due to a change of professors, but now that we’re all settled in the work is quite interesting! This week I’m working with a group of 3 to present on Greek Classical Art in class on Tuesday.
Last but not least, on Fridays from 10 am to 4:40 pm I have Painting class. I thought that this class was going to be super stressful since it’s all day, but we do have a nice sized lunch break and I actually prefer having a longer class because it allows me to completely finish a painting, as opposed to starting it during one class and finishing it another day. So far, our professor has gone over some basic painting and color mixing skills with us. Here are a few pictures of a painting I did in class as time went on:
Overall, my classes so far this semester are intriguing and challenging. I can’t wait to produce more work this semester, and I’ll be sure to post them as I do!
Your classes sound so inspiring and full of creativity! Drawing with live models, exploring printmaking techniques, and diving into art history all seem like amazing ways to grow as an artist. Painting all day on Fridays must be such a rewarding experience, giving you time to fully immerse yourself in your work. By the way, if you’re ever looking for something fun and creative to unwind with, you might want to check out this Android app for download