Equity-Minded Teaching Scholars

Are you interested in exploring teaching approaches that help create a level playing field for all of your students to succeed? Would you like to deepen your engagement with colleagues who share your commitment to developing a culture of equity-minded teaching at Suffolk?
Meet the Spring 2025 Equity-Minded Teaching Scholars!

About the Program

The program includes a series of experiences designed to help you feel connected to a supportive community as you explore new approaches in your teaching. These experiences include

  • An intensive, day-long kickoff focused on building a community with your cohort, learning together about equity-minded teaching approaches, and planning how you will make small changes in your teaching practice that will have a big impact on your students’ learning.
  • A mid-semester check-in to reconnect with your cohort, share updates about your progress, and provide support around emerging challenges.
  • Ongoing support through a Canvas course where you can update your cohort about your work and offer each other support, as well as an open invitation to consult with the CTSE team.

How do I join the program?

The intake for the Spring 2025 cohort is now complete.  Please check back in Fall 2025 for information about the next cohort.

The first cohort of the Equity-Minded Teaching Scholars program will convene in Spring 2025. This cohort will focus on the theme of exploring universal design for learning (or UDL) as a framework for making small changes in teaching that promote better learning experiences and outcomes for all students. The cohort’s kick-off will include an invited talk by Lillian Nave, host of the podcast Think UDL.

To join the Spring 2025 cohort, please complete the intake form by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, December 18, 2024. All educators who will be teaching at least one credit-bearing course at Suffolk in Spring 2025 are welcome to join this program.

What are the commitments required from participants? 

The Equity-Minded Teaching Scholars will be asked to make the following commitments to engage with the program community:

  • Attend the kickoff on Friday, January 10, 2025. The in-person event will take place on Suffolk’s campus from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. You will be asked to engage in some work to prepare for the kickoff, which should take no more than two or three hours to complete.
  • Attend the program celebration on Tuesday, April 29, 2025. The in-person event will take place on Suffolk’s campus from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM. Lunch will be provided. During the celebration, you will be invited to engage in a reflective discussion about the new teaching practices you implemented and what you learned from the experience.

Where can I get additional information?

For questions about this program, please contact us at ctse@suffolk.edu

Empowering educators. Transforming learning. Together.

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We aspire to cultivate a supportive community where educators continuously evolve to create inclusive and dynamic educational experiences that help all students succeed. 
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