Continuity of learning is the principle that teaching and learning can and should continue, even when disruptions occur. Your plans for teaching a course could be disrupted at any time by a wide variety of events, including extreme weather, public health concerns, problems with campus facilities, or your absence due to illness. When events like these occur, how might you adapt your teaching plans so that your students can continue learning? Your answer to this question is your continuity of learning plan.
You have designed your course carefully, aiming to guide your students toward achieving important learning outcomes. When you plan for continuity of learning, you ensure that your students will stay engaged in learning and continue to make progress toward outcomes, even when disruptions occur. Your commitment to continuity of learning signals to your students that you are focused on supporting their learning, no matter what challenges arise.
As you develop a continuity of learning plan, here are some key questions and ideas to consider:
Suffolk has developed a Continuity of Learning Policy that can help inform planning for your courses.