Pulley Trial 1 Graph
Pulley Trial 2 graph
This experiment involved measuring the amount of kinetic energy needed to move a weight using a pulley and a motor. For each trial, we used 5 attempts. For every attempt, we changed the weight that was used but kept the force constant. We would then measure the time needed for the weight to reach the apex of the pulley.
The data (namely the trend line) clearly shows a positive correlation between increasing mass and the time it took for the weight to travel up the rope under the same force. We could make a general rule stating that as the weight increased, the resistance increased against the pulley, barring human error in stopping the pulley prematurely or late, which definitely affected the results. Also, there is a negative correlation between power and time: when power is decreased, the time it takes for the weight to reach the top increases. If one factor could be eliminated in this experiment to reduce error, it would be an automated stop when the weight reaches the apex of the pulley. When the operator stops the motor, it is always in a different spot, which skewed the numbers. Nevertheless, the line trends stayed true to the experiment even with the outliers taken into consideration. in this experiment. Overall, this experiment is a great display of kinetic energy and the relationship between effort and resistance.
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