Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracking

Human endeavors had lead to several discoveries and researches in these past few decades. There activities were purposely were done in order to address the necessities of human kind in the rapid growing society. One of the most talked about issues nowadays is the production of natural gas via hydraulic fracturing. What is fracturing all about? How does it benefit to consumers? Hydrofracking is a procedure done through “horizontal drilling” in order to haul out a huge amount of natural oil or gas from the deep well ( scientific study confirms groundwater contamination by hydraulic fracturing). This procedure first begun in 1947 and was totally recognized in late 1950’s. For the record, the most concentrated and huge amount of natural gas extracted was drilled in western Pennsylvania. The discovery had poured supports and spontaneous researchers by the American government particularly handled by the department of energy and the petroleum society in the next following years ( hydraulic fracturing 101,2). The cause is beneficial as it will provide additional source of gas and oil to be used by consumers and to be sold out in the market society. The university of Texas together with the cooperation of environmental defense funds has supported the promotion of natural gas which is extracted from fracking. They opted that natural gas are far more better than using coals, as it is considered cleaner and adequate source of energy ( Gas Leaks in Fracking Disputed in Study)

However, there are arguments in terms of the risks in human health due to leakages caused by fracking. The PNAS 2013 or Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences had exuded some sort of scientific investigations that harmful chemicals are possibly mixed into ground waters due to leaks from hydraulic fracking. The study has been supported by found facts of positive contamination water in homes nearby the drilling area(Scientific Study Confirms Groundwater Contamination by Hydraulic Fracturing). The Environmental Protection Agency had made a move in managing the leakages in fracking companies. This is to control the depth of a drilled ground or well in order to avoid leaks and escape of other kinds of natural gases. As of now, the order has not yet released until 2015 and it is still undergoing in series of deliberations from the petroleum union and the U.S. government agencies (Gas Leaks in Fracking Disputed in Study).

Works Cited

Wines, Michael. Gas Leaks in Fracking Disputed in Studies. The New York Times. (2013  September 16). Web. 29 September 2013

Guelpa, Philip. Scientific Study Confirms Groundwater Contamination by Hydraulic Fracturing.  World Socialist Web Site. (2013 July 9). Web.   29 September 2013

King, George E. Hydraulic Fracturing 101: What Every Representative, Environmentalist, Regulator, Reporter, Investor, University Researcher, Neighbor and Engineer Should    Know About Estimating Frac Risk and Improving Frac Performance in Unconventional     Gas and Oil Wells. Society of Petroleum Engineers International. (2012). Web.   29           September 2013

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