Global Warming?

We have all heard of global warming and think it’s a safe bet to make that we have all been forced to watch Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ in a high school biology class right? Well, what do we think? Is global warming hoax? Is our abnormally warm Boston winter simply a fluctuation in weather patterns? I tend to think that global warming has some validity based on current climate changes, growing CO2 emissions, etc. However, it is not often that we hear about the people who deny global warming. In the following blog, I will explore these often times unheard opinions.

“Our leaders who art in Copenhagen
Alarmists be thy name
Thy Climate Change Come
Cap And Trade Will Be Done
As We Give A Pass To Developing Countries
Give Us This Day Our Carbon Offsets
And Forgive Us Our Carbon Footprint
As We Forgive Those Who Hacked Our Emails
And Lead Us Not Unto Global Warming
But Deliver Us From CO2
For Thine Is The Kyoto Protocol
And The Power To Control Our
Economy For Ever…Al Gore”

… I found that little gem this guy’s blog and thought it was a pretty funny. His name is Troy Aardvark and he refers to himself as a “climate realist”. I don’t necessarily think all his views are accurate, but he sure does, and they are somewhat entertaining.

Skeptics think Gore’s documentary (which was awarded with an Oscar for best documentary in 2007, and later shared a Nobel prize with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) accuse the IPCC of not listening to others and their research results on global warming. According to, as of 1/15/2010, NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Association) admitted that scientists practicing under their umbrella were exposed by e-mail of manipulating, omitting, and favoring data to help Gore’s crusade for Global warming.

Global warming is both a political and public debate, and globally one of the most argued topics around the world. Skeptics tend to believe that the weather models used to study “global warming’s” impact on the Earth are distorted and we should not be concerned by the recent rise in Earth’s temperature. Most skeptics dub the global warming hoax a mere shift in weather conditions that can be explained by volcanoes, changes in solar output, and variability ( Their key point in terms of supporting these arguments is the fact that our Earth has observed warmer climate patterns throughout our history.

Like any argument you must be persuasive in order to win over public opinion and a reliable source is always a great start in changing opposition. Dr. S Fred Singer PhD is a respected and considered by global warming deniers as a credible scientist. He speaks on behalf of the American person, saying that the global warming scare in Washington and across the world is nothing more than a political power struggle for money and power. Singer says,  Let’s assume that I’m stupid and crazy? If fossil fuel combustion were a problem, there is a vast array of scientific mitigation measures that could be effective. There is also plenty of speculation about relatively simple, but global-scale, interventions that might impede warming. I would be very reluctant to assume responsibility for a project that might very well move the globe, more quickly than nature otherwise would, into the next Ice Age.” The following link will connect you to a Youtube video where Singer speaks about global warming or the lack of global warming as he believes:

While global warming activists feel that temperature rises due to greenhouse gasses, the sun and the Earth’s reflectivity will give way to catastrophic extremes in weather if we do not fix the problem now, deniers believe that if there is a problem, it is the “science” behind global warming. Although this blog focused on the deniers, it is interesting to study the topic, compare ideas, and formulated your own views on global warming. Who’s side are you on?


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One Response to Global Warming?

  1. mpmorris says:

    nice job staying neutral and showing the other side of things

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