Monthly Archives: February 2012

Global Warming?

We have all heard of global warming and think it’s a safe bet to make that we have all been forced to watch Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ in a high school biology class right? Well, what do we think? … Continue reading

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Guest Speaker Thomas Vales

So to sum up the guest speaker presentation, i think it was really informative and also cool to meet the guy that makes inventions that are hundreds of years old, which have the potential to create clean renewable energy. Only hitch is … Continue reading

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Photo-Voltaics Lab

Photovoltaics is a method or way to generate constant electricity, this flow of constant electricity travels in one direction. This energy is used in photons, more commonly known as solar cells. The single current works similarly to the generator lab, but instead of varying polarity (as seen in … Continue reading

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Solyndra Scandal & Wisdom of Clean Energy Subsidies

  The collapse of Solyndra, a California-based solar panel maker raises many questions about the company’s bankruptcy after receiving government based loans in the amount of $535 million from the Obama administration. One can’t help but ask did the government jump the … Continue reading

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Generator Lab Blog

The picture above is a self-powered flashlight, the same idea as the generators we were using, but it has a crank at the top to move the coils/magnet creating a change in the magnetic field. These are often times used … Continue reading

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Hydrofracking Blog

What is hydro-fracking? Well, according to, it is a well development process that increases water flow from a bedrock well after the amount and depth of the bedrock fractures are enhanced, thus creating more water accumulation in the well. Hydro-fracking … Continue reading

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Energy Experiment Blog

Physical and biological systems interact within our Earth that influence change in one another as a reaction to the energy around them. Solar energy, gravititional energy, kinetic energy, and heat energry are a few of the many examples of energy … Continue reading

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Automotive Industry and Increasing Gas Milage

Automotive industries have been pushing drivers to be take a more proactive approach when it comes to “Eco-Driving” and the practices that go along with this evolution in society. As Americans use Eco friendly practices, they cut carbon dioxide emissions, … Continue reading

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