Geothermal power in Iceland


The Icelandic geothermal energy has been used for many years for multiple purposes. Ever since the first permanent settler, Ingólfur Arnarsson, came to Iceland, people have figured out many ways to use the geothermal energy. For example when he came to Reykjavík, he saw smoke rising from the geoth

ermal zones which are in Laugardalur in Reykjavík. That is the reason for why Icelanders usually translate Reykjavík to “Smoky Bay”. In the early 20th century and before that the women in Reykjavík all went there to wash their and their families’ clothes.

7-utilisation_of_geothermalToday 90% of homes in Iceland are heated by tapping directly into this geothermal source.  With allof its direct uses geothermal energy accounts for more than half of Iceland’s entire energy needs!

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